When Will They Date?

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Request by M_SBerke

Random fact: I wrote this one shot on 2 days of no sleep lmao

Ayyyyy this is the last chapter I have to reupload!!! Finally

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Tony looked up, watching as Harley and Peter walked into the room. He quickly pretended to be immersed in his magazine, all while watching them. They were obviously crushing on each other. He narrowed his eyes, trying not to draw suspicion while trying to observe the pair.

"C'mon, darlin', it's just a school picture. You'll look great, you always do," the southern boy insisted.

"No, no, something bad always happens..." Peter frowned, shaking his his. "Harls, I can't, I don't want another year remembered by a terrible yearbook photo!" Harley placed both his hands on Peter's shoulders, steering him out the door where Tony could no longer hear their discussion.

The billionaire sighed, confused. He wasn't sure if they were just really close, but they definitely had a connection. He got up, shaking his head and heading to the lab.

Tony had been in the lab for nearly an hour when Harley walked in, Peter close behind and carrying one of his web shooters. Tony watched as they worked together on the web shooter, Harley eventually moving to stand behind Peter to help keep his hands steady. They looked so much like a couple... and Peter was blushing as Harley leaned against him, holding the web shooter steady as the smaller boy carefully went in to do some maintenance work.

Tony was in awe. They clearly belonged together. He had never seen two people more meant for each other than Peter and Harley.

After they fixed the web shooter, the pair left, Peter giggling softly at something Harley said as they walked out of Tony's earshot. The genius shook his head, frowning. He had to find a way to get them together...

Later that day, Tony went to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips, stopping to watch Harley and Peter for a moment. Through the doorway, he could see the blond sitting on the couch, running gentle fingers through Peter's hair as the smaller boy slept peacefully. Rhodey and Bruce were sitting at the counter, both immersed in their own thing. Tony sighed, frustrated.

"When will they date!?" He wondered, gesturing towards Harley and Peter. Rhodey snickered a little, smirking.

"What? Who?" Bruce questioned, looking up from his stack of papers. Tony stuck his thumb out, jabbing it in the direction of the pair on the couch.

"Harley and Peter! They're clearly perfect for each other, and they're definitely flirting," the billionaire signed, squinting at the two. Rhodey snorted, shaking his head.

"They've been dating for two months."

"WHAT?! AND NOBODY THOUGHT TO TELL ME?!" He exclaimed, rather loudly. He slapped his palm against his hairline, shaking his head. How could he have missed this? Bruce and Rhodey both shrugged, turning back to their work.

"I honestly thought you knew. It's not like it's a secret or anything, look at them!" Rhodey pointed, proving his point. "Do they look like 'just friends' to you? I'm pretty sure they were full on making out not even ten minutes ago." Tony shook his head in disbelief.

"I just can't believe I didn't know. It's very unlike Peter not to tell me about things, especially something as important as this," the genius mused. Bruce shrugged, not even looking up from his papers.

"It's entirely possible they wanted to see how long they could go without you noticing. Harley likes bets like that, and Peter would probably want to play along too," the scientist pointed out. Tony nodded slowly, sighing.

"Yeah... that seems like something they would do." He opened his bag of chips, walking for a few steps before turning on his heel to make one last remark.

"Oh, and you should send them into the lab when Peter wakes up. We need to have a talk." And with that, the billionaire was gone, disappeared down the hall. Rhodey chuckled, a small smile on his face.

"Those poor kids..."

Hallelujah we're done

Now I can finally move on to new chapters!!!


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