Keeping Secrets

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request by hrubcova_te 

this ones only moderately short so that's a win

Random fact: I sleep with a small stuffed bear, it's made from alpaca fur and it helps calm me down

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter and Harley were cuddled up in their bed, watching an episode of Brooklyn 99. It was getting late, and at the end of the episode, Peter jumped out of bed, offering a quick goodbye to his boyfriend and running out without much explanation. The southern boy frowned. Peter had been leaving around the same time almost every night, never giving a reason why.

Harley feared the worst, that he was being cheated on. Why else would his boyfriend keep secrets from him? The very thought of Peter leaving him to go hook up with another man, or maybe a woman, broke Harley's heart down the center. He had told Peter he loved him... and the brunette had said it back. Did he not mean the words he said? Was anything Peter said truthful? Was their entire relationship built on lies and deception!?

Harley angrily slammed his fist down into the mattress. He knew Peter would be back in a few hours, probably completely exhausted from whatever he had been doing with his side person. He usually came back around midnight, often falling asleep without a word to Harley.

It stung, to come to the realization that Peter, his boyfriend of nearly three months, was cheating. It hurt Harley down to his very core. He had been so sure that the young brunette boy was the one, the boy he would marry one day. And to realize that Peter didn't actually love him? Devastating. The blond let himself cry, alone in their bedroom. He knew he had to confront Peter about this. Harley was not about to let Peter hurt him any more than he already had.

The clock struck midnight, and Peter stumbled in, right on cue. He sluggishly walked around to his side of the bed, collapsing onto the mattress with a groan. Harley took a deep breath, turning to face the exhausted boy.

"Peter?" He whispered, slightly wavering. "Where do you go every day?" The brunette looked up, a nervous twang to his voice.

"I... I can't tell you." The southern boy was hurt, feeling his heart shatter.

"Oh..." Harley frowned, trying to hold back tears. "Then I think we should break up." That caught Peter's attention, his brown doe eyes suddenly wide with surprise.

"Wait, what? Why?"

"You're keeping secrets, Peter, and I don't like it. Either tell me the truth, or we're finished," Harley decided sternly. Peter was at a loss for words, laying on his stomach and gaping like a fish out of water. He finally let out a defeated sigh, closing his eyes tightly.

"Fine, if you really must know..." Peter took a deep breath. "I'm Spiderman." There was a few moments of dead silence, before Harley started laughing. The brunette frowned. "What's funny?"

"You can't be Spiderman. He's an adult, and last I checked, you aren't," Harley reasoned. Peter crossed his arms, pouting. "Fine, fine. But I'm gonna need some proof." The smaller boy nodded, running out of the room without another word. When he reappeared at the door a minute later, in Spiderman's signature red and blue suit, Harley's jaw dropped.

"This enough proof for ya?" Peter asked smugly. Harley, still astounded, nodded slowly. The brunette smiled, taking off his mask. "I didn't mean to lie to you, Harls. I was gonna tell you eventually..." Peter trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's just kinda difficult to explain."

"Yeahh..." Harley was still stunned. "Uh, sorry. This is a lot to process." Peter nodded, sitting down on the bed.

"I know." He sighed, laying down. "Are you still going to break up with me?" Peter's voice was quiet, nervous even. Harley chuckled softly.

"No, darlin'." The southern boy paused, sighing. "I only said that because I thought you were cheating on me." Peter's head shot up, a hurt expression on his face.

"I would never cheat on you," the brunette mumbled, letting his head fall back down. He yawned, exhausted from patrol. Harley smiled, laying down next to the sleepy boy.

"Darlin', I know you're tired, but maybe you should change first?" Harley suggested. Peter nodded, humming in agreement.

"Yeah..." He stood up, leaving to put his regular clothes back on. He returned two minutes later, in one of Harley's t-shirts (which was big on him), fleece pajama pants, and a fluffy blanket from his room next door. He walked up to Harley's bed, face planting and rolling over to curl up into the blond's side. Harley smiled, placing his arm over Peter's small form protectively.

"G'night, darlin'."

I'm so tired but they're so cute


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