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Request by I_Swear_Im_Ok

Lemon demon is my lifeline and I think I'm ok with that

Anyway this is another request I got a year ago oops well at least I did it now (sorry lmao)

If you don't already know what a neko is... well let me introduce you...

TW: small mention of injuries, suggested past abuse

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley grabbed a hat and a pair of sunglasses, the classic "disguise" that all Starks tended to use when not wanting to be recognized. He walked out of Stark Tower, taking a shortcut through a dirty alleyway.

He liked the shortcut because of how deserted the alley was. Not once had he ever seen another soul in that alley, which made it perfect for a billionaire's son not wanting to be recognized.

But today was special, it seemed, because midway through the alley, Harley heard quiet crying coming from a dirty cardboard box. It puzzled him. What was making that noise?

"Hello?" He called softly, trying not to spook whatever was in the alley. "Is someone there? Are you ok?" He heard a gasp come from the box, then a small whimper.

"Hello...?" Harley reached for the box slowly, picking it up to reveal... an odd sight. Underneath the box was a boy... a boy with fluffy ears and a long, curled tail.

"EEP!" The boy yelped, cowering and shaking. "P-please, don't- don't h-hurt me!" He whimpered, sobbing with his hands clamped over his head.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Are you ok? Do you need help?" The boy peeked out, looking at Harley with wide, fearful eyes. His tail was pretty fluffed up, brown and white fur sticking out in all directions. He slowly started to uncurl his body, until he was sitting upright on the dirty pavement. His face was dirty and scratched up, and his yellowish-brown eyes stared into Harley's blue. His pupils were strange as well, instead of perfectly round they had a bit more of an elliptical shape to them, barely enough to be noticeable.

"I'm Harley." He held out his hand for the strange boy to take, taking note of his long, sharp nails and small hands. In fact, now that the boy was standing up, his small size was incredibly obvious. He was short, probably around 5'1 or 5'2.

"...Peter..." The brunette mumbled, standing in front of Harley with his head bowed. His tail was less puffy now, but it hung low on the ground, drooping almost... shamefully?

"Hey Peter, how about you come with me? I can help you," Harley offered, smiling kindly. Peter's tail swished behind him, the tip of it twitching back and forth sharply.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because..." Harley furrowed his eyebrows at the strange creature, thinking. "Because you're hurt. And I want to help." He pointed at a gash across Peter's left leg, fresh enough to not be entirely scabbed over yet.

"...Fine. But how are we going to hide... this..." He gestured to his fluffy ears and tail, grimacing. Harley took of his hat without hesitation, trying to get it onto Peter's head. As the blond got closer, Peter's ears flattened against his head, making the hat go on easier.

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