Rooftops at Midnight

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request by OreoMilkShake360 and Warehouse12_Agent

apologies in advance, this one was written quickly to squeeze in before pride month ended :(

also not proofread cause I'm tired

anyways enjoy this poorly formatted mess

TW: homophobia, slurs


2 days ago

Hey Webheads! Spiderman here with an important announcement... I'm bisexual! Happy pride month to all of my LGBTQIA+ friends, and remember that you are always valid!

Peter chewed his thumbnail anxiously, finally pouring over the comments and replies to his announcement. He was pleasantly surprised– a lot of the comments showed support for him or others.

this gave me the courage to come out to my mom! thank you for being my hero, spidey :)

for years I've struggled with my identity and I've recently come to terms with it, I'm bi too! so cool to see representation in someone so many of us look up to, keep being awesome!

we support you!


you know what? I think I'll come out to my brother today. UPDATE: he accepts me! thank you for inspiring me to come out to him!

Peter liked a bunch of the comments, continuing to scroll. Of course, having an account with such a far reach also meant there were a lot of hate comments...

Bisexuality doesn't exist. your faking.

this is disgusting.

wow I didn't expect spiderman to be a f*ggot. unfollowed!

You know kids see this, right? I don't want you turning my kids gay.

this post turned my son gay. i hate u spiderman

Peter grimaced, scrolling through some of his other notifications. He had been tagged in another thread, so he went to check that out.


1 day ago

I can't believe the amount of homophobia I'm seeing in the replies to /FriendlyNeighborhoodSpider in his recent coming out post. He does so much for our city and suddenly people are turning on him bc he's bi? Y'all disgust me.

you're defending him? what, are you gay now too?


reply to comment

first of all, Spidey said he's bi. second, yes I am. what're you gonna do about it?


TWO famous people? this is a great month for the LGBTQ community

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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