The End?

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request by ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs 

I have an unholy amount of requests... but nothing about my writing is holy so it's perfect ;)

Random fact: in 8th grade I created a religion with my friends, the geico gecko is our god and we pray at 4:20 

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Harls! Do you want to go to the cafe and grab an iced coffee with me?" Peter wondered, smiling at his boyfriend. The southern boy jolted, scrambling to hide his phone screen and notebook.

"Oh, sorry, not now." Peter's smile faltered. This was the third time this week Harley had denied to hang out with him.

"Oh, ok..." The blond was already turned around, back to ignoring his boyfriend. The brunette wrapped his arms around himself, walking to his room and locking himself in. He climbed onto the bed, curling up into a ball. He put on his noise-canceling headphones, sighing.

Why didn't Harley want to spend time with him? Was he too busy? Was there just no time for Peter anymore? Or... no, it couldn't be... did Harley not love him anymore?

He let out a quiet sob. After all they'd been through, all the love they'd shared... it couldn't just end, could it? Peter wiped his eyes, sighing. If Harley was going to break up with him, he had to be strong. No crying, no drama. Maybe a rebound boyfriend?

No, he couldn't. Peter knew he could never feel about someone else the way he felt for Harley. He didn't want it to end, not like this. He thought they were doing well, on their way to starting a life together someday.

Apparently, he thought wrong.


"Is he gone?" Harley questioned, waiting for the echoed response of Clint in the vents.

"He went to his room. All clear."

"Thanks. What do you think is better, blue or gold decorations?" Harley wondered. The southern boy was planning a surprise party for Peter's 17th birthday, along with the help of the Avengers.

"Gold," Clint replied. Harley made a few marks in his notebook, nodding.

"Blue it is then." He heard an echoed scoff, letting out a small chuckle. "Hey, it's Peter's party, not yours."

"Asshole," Clint muttered.

"Language!" Steve scolded, walking in. "But I agree with Harley, blue would be better."

"Thank you!" The blond grinned, shaking his head. "Well, I'm almost done with the planning, so we can probably go out to get everything tomorrow. Who did I put in charge of distracting Peter?"

"Thor... but I think we should get someone else. He hasn't really grasped the idea of a surprise party yet," Steve frowned.

"Right. Everyone else already has a job though..." Harley thought for a moment, lighting up. "Oh! Maybe we could ask his friends to take him to a movie or something? That should give us enough time," he suggested. Steve put his hands up, shrugging.

"You're the party planner, not me."


Peter woke to his phone vibrating beside him. Groaning, he blinked and rubbed his eyes, sliding his noise-canceling headphones off to answer the call.

"Hello?" He greeted groggily.

"You sound horrible," Ned stated blankly. The brunette rolled his eyes.

"Wow, thanks." His tone was dripping with sarcasm, complete with a sigh. "Why did you call me? It's-" Peter checked the time, frowning. "Almost one am?"

"Right, sorry, I figured you would still be up. Well, there's going to be a screening of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back at the theater tomorrow, do you wanna go?"

"Tomorrow? Which tomorrow, today tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow?"

"Oh, um, today." Peter shrugged, yawning.

"Mhm, sure. See you then." He hung up without another word, putting his noise-canceling headphones back on. But even they weren't strong enough to block out his thoughts, and Peter soon found himself on top of the tower, breathing in the cool nighttime air.

"Harley..." He mumbled, looking down at his feet sadly. Peter was sitting on the roof in fetal position, barely holding back tears. He was finally happy in a relationship, it couldn't end like this...

Peter woke up to the sun shining on his face. He was startled for a moment, since he was still on the roof, but he quickly shook it off. The brunette climbed back inside, grabbing breakfast and brushing his teeth before leaving to meet Ned at the movies.

"Hey, Peter!" Ned greeted, handing him a bucket of popcorn.

"Oh, thanks Ned." Peter shuffled his feet, moping.

"Ok...? Well, it's starting soon." Peter nodded, barely focused on the movie. Even Star Wars couldn't distract him from his inevitable march to loneliness. Ned seemed to notice, but didn't mention it, instead offering the brunette a hug before they went their separate ways.

Peter took his time walking back to the tower, the feeling of dread rising within him. Something was about to happen, he knew it. When Peter entered the tower, going up in the elevator, it was strangely quiet, which only added to his anxiety. He stepped out of the elevator, heading to see if anyone was in the main living room. The hairs stood up on the back of his neck, everyone screaming "SURPRISE" two seconds later.

"What the-" Peter's eyes immediately went to Harley, who was grinning at him with a baby blue party that on his head. "A party? For me?"

"Yeah, darlin', for your birthday!" Harley exclaimed, chuckling. Peter just stood there, mouth open in shock.

"You- you're not-"

"Not what?"

"I thought you were going to break up with me..." The brunette whispered. Harley frowned, walking up to him.

"Darlin', why would I ever want to break up with you?"

"I don't know... you were kinda avoiding me, I thought-" Peter stopped shaking his head. "Maybe I was just overthinking it..." The southern boy chuckled, wrapping him in a hug.

"Sorry, darlin', I didn't mean to avoid you. I really wanted you to be surprised, and I didn't want you to be too suspicious, so I..." Harley grinned sheepishly. "Ok, maybe I was avoiding you, but not because I didn't want to be with you. I promise."

"I-" Peter choked up, sniffing quietly. "I was so scared. I don't wanna lose you," he spoke softly, eyes watery. Harley nodded, hugging the brunette tighter. Peter cried into Harley's chest, feeling the southern boy pick him up. He wrapped his legs around the blond's waist, holding on tight as Harley carried him over to the couch.

"Shhh, it's ok. I won't ever leave you, darlin', I love you more than anything. You're my baby boy," Harley soothed quietly, rubbing circles into Peter's back.

"I love you too Harls," the smaller boy mumbled, face still buried in Harley's chest.

"I know. Now, why don't we go upstairs and get you cleaned up, and then we can celebrate, hmm?" Peter nodded, looking up at the blond.

"I would like that."

ik how much y'all enjoy angst


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