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Request by dark_phoenix42 

I wrote this in like an hour but it's actually not super bad?

Random fact: this was the chapter where I first came out to y'all as nonbinary!!!

TW: blood and mention of injury, you will feel emotional pain :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley ran as fast as he could through the city streets, eyes wide with fear. He was almost there, just a couple more blocks...

The southern boy turned a corner, freezing at the sight that lay before him. There, in the alleyway, was Peter in his Spiderman suit, looking exhausted. His suit was torn and bloody, his left leg horribly disfigured. The hero walked with a horrible limp, ripping his mask off to stare at Harley.

"Peter-" A gunshot rang through the air, effectively cutting the blond off. Peter's eyes were wide, his body seemingly frozen in time. A few seconds later, he collapsed onto the ground, his hands over his chest. Shocked, Harley ran over to the boy, kneeling on the wet pavement.

"Harls-" Peter coughed violently, gasping and choking. Blood came flying out of his mouth, splattering on Harley's jeans. His hands fell weakly, revealing the bullet wound, gushing blood. He had been struck in his upper chest, right near his heart. A panicked Harley pressed his hands against the bullet hole, trying to slow down the bleeding as much as he could.

"Harley," Peter mumbled, weakly gasping for breath. The bullet must've hit one of his lungs. "I-it's ok. Please d-don't ffffforget m-m-me. I llllllove... y-you," he slurred, eyes half lidded. Harley shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Peter, no, darlin'..." he sobbed, eyes wide with terror. "No, please, I need you, I love you... you can't leave me!" Harley screamed, watching as his boyfriend gasped and shuddered, like a fish out of water. All of a sudden, the brunette just stopped. His body went limp, his eyes rolling back into his head. Harley's world seemed to slow down around him, a wave of pain rushing through him. No, no, Peter couldn't be dead, he just couldn't. This wasn't supposed to be how it ended, they were supposed to get married, and adopt kids, and have a family together.

Harley let out a loud scream, time returning to normal. Peter was dead. The blond held up his shaky hands, staring at the blood on them in horror. Peter's blood. The love of his life, his boyfriend, his soulmate-

Harley sat up, breathing labored. He was in his bed, drenched in a cold sweat. Through teary eyes, he spotted none other than Peter, laying next to him. He shook the boy awake, breathing a sigh of relief when Peter opened his eyes, fully responsive.

"Harls? What's wrong? What's going on?" The brunette questioned, doe eyes wide with worry. Choking up, Harley just wrapped his arms around Peter, holding him tight. The smaller boy hugged back, rubbing circles into Harley's back soothingly, just as the blond would do for him. "Harls?"

"You were dead! B-blood... gunshot..." Harley let out a sob, crying into Peter's hair.

"Shhhh, it wasn't real, I'm right here, ok? I'm alive, everything's fine, nobody's hurt! It was just a nightmare, it's not real, it didn't happen, shhhhh," Peter comforted. He placed his hand on the side of Harley's face, cupping his cheek lovingly. The blond calmed down, hiccuping quietly.

"Thank you," he whispered, breathing softly.

"Of course Harls, I love you," Peter responded, connecting their lips. The two boys shared a slow, loving kiss, Harley now calmed down from his nightmare.

"I love you too," he whispered, offering a tiny smile. Peter smiled back, yawning sleepily.

"Do you think you can get back to sleep?" The brunette questioned, looking at Harley worriedly. The taller boy nodded slowly, playing with Peter's messy hair.

"Yeah." They both laid down, Harley taking a deep breath. "If we cuddle I can sleep better," he offered. Peter grinned, moving over to spoon with the southern boy.

"Sleep well, Harls."

"You too, darlin'."

I wish I had someone to cuddle with when I have nightmares :((((


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