Christmas Sweaters

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Request by CookieChiara

Random fact: the first show I ever saw on Broadway was Cats, I never saw the movie (thank god) but the show itself was really good

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley stood in line at the shop, ready to checkout. When it was his turn, the cashier looked up at him with a short laugh, scanning the items.

"Just these two today, sir?" He questioned, pressing a few buttons on the computer.

"Yes, thank you." Harley paid for the items, leaving the store with his bag. The southern boy was excited to give Peter the newest addition to his wardrobe, which would match with Harley. He drove back to the tower, holding the bag with a grin.

"Peter?" He called, holding onto the bag tightly. The smaller boy poked his head around the corner, eyeing the bag curiously.

"Whatcha got?" He asked, walking up to Harley.

"Well... since we're spending Christmas here together, I figured I would bring a holiday tradition from Rose Hill," he explained, reaching into the bag and grabbing a red and blue sweater, with funny-looking snowmen and sewn patches that looked sort of like Christmas lights. "Ugly sweaters!" Peter took the sweater with a soft laugh, putting it on over his shirt.

"How do I look?" He giggled, modeling the sweater for Harley. The blond grinned, running both his hands through Peter's hair and pulling him up against his body.

"Handsome, darlin', as always." He pressed a kiss to Peter's forehead, breaking away and grabbing the bag. "And guess what? I got a matching one!" Harley's sweater was just like Peter's, except it was red and gray and the snowmen were replaced with tacky reindeer. He put on his sweater, Peter slapping a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.

"Oh, wow, Harls, these look... great," he smiled, barely holding back laughter. Harley grinned awkwardly, showing off his sweater.

"Well, they certainly live up to their name, huh?" The southern boy laughed, tossing the bag onto the counter. "Yknow, I think it really suits you. Somehow, you manage to pull it off." The brunette blushed, looking down at his feet.


"No, no, I mean it!" Harley insisted, grabbing Peter's hands and rubbing at the knuckles with his thumb. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever met. Every day I wake up to you, and I wonder how I could possibly be this lucky." Harley wrapped his arms around Peter, hugging the smaller boy tightly. Peter jumped up, legs locked around Harley's waist.

"That's really sweet, Harls," he murmured, nuzzling into the taller boy's neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, darlin'," Harley smiled fondly, carrying Peter over to the couch so they could cuddle. The smaller boy was straddling Harley, hugging him tightly. Tony walked in, stopping in the doorway.

"Are you two... you know what? Never mind." He shook his head, walking out and throwing his hands up. "I can't go anywhere in this damn tower!" A faint "language" was heard from down the hall, Peter and Harley laughing with pink cheeks.

"Why does he always assume we're having sex?" Peter wondered, giggling.

"Well, to be fair, he has walked in on quite a lot."


It was Christmas Eve, and everyone was relaxing at the tower. It was snowing, and the heat was turned up to keep everyone warm. Tony walked into the living room, where everyone was gathered to watch a Christmas movie.

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