Secret Admirer

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Request by roger-that-captian 

Sorry it took so long lmao I've been busy, maybe go check out some of my other books if you want? I've got plenty of material :)

Um but in other news???? My face reveal???? Y'all are such simps I swear- (not that I'm complaining 😏)

But fr thank you everyone for the positivity <3 (I actually can't believe a few of you are like, crushing on me that's so wild- um but ily hehe)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter opened his locker, a small scrap of paper falling to the ground. Tilting his head with a small smile, he picked it up, holding the folded paper in his hand. He unfolded it carefully, eyes darting over the smooth, perfectly messy handwriting he had grown to love over the past few days.

My heart beats faster for you, darlin'. Every time I look into your eyes I can't help but stare, how could a person be so beautiful? I hope that, one day, you will return these feelings. Until then, I'll continue leaving these notes for you. I love to see your giddy smile whenever you read them.

With love, ~your secret admirer~

Peter grinned, clutching the note to his chest happily, glancing around the hallway. His secret admirer had to be around here somewhere, but who?

That was the million dollar question, the one that kept Peter up at night. Who was leaving him these notes? He felt like he knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, who it was. The handwriting was shockingly familiar, although Peter wasn't sure if that was just from how many times he had read the notes, or if he really, truly recognized the handwriting from somewhere else.


It was Friday, the last bell had just rung and Peter felt himself jump out of his seat, making a beeline for his locker. As expected, there was a note.

But that wasn't all.

There was a single rose, perched upon his history textbook perfectly. Peter raised his eyebrows, whoever his secret admirer was, they had really put in the effort. To get the rose in his locker, they would've had to ask a teacher for permission to use the universal key... which was extremely difficult to get your hands on.

Shaking his head, Peter opened the note, immediately noticing how different it was from the rest of the notes that had been left in his locker that week.

The Italian restaurant, on the corner of 5th and 24th. 7 pm. I'll be waiting for you, darlin'.

With love, ~your secret admirer~

Peter clapped a hand over his mouth excitedly. Tonight. He was going to meet with his secret admirer tonight. He grabbed his stuff, tossing it in his backpack haphazardly before carefully picking up the rose, smelling it with a soft sigh. He had fallen, and hard. The only problem was that he didn't know who exactly he had fallen for.

Once he got back to his apartment, Peter was immediately searching his closet for something to wear. Was this a date? It seemed like a date. He wasn't going to show up to a date, especially not a first date, dressed like a slob. He wanted to make a good impression, and so he got to work.

It was nearly 6 pm, and Peter was nervous, to say the least. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, searching for any noticeable flaws. He was fresh out of the shower, so he was clean... he smelled good... his skin looked clear. So far, so good.

Peter got changed into his outfit for the night, a crisp, baby blue button up with a pastel pink bow tie and black dress pants. It might've been a bit too much, actually... but it was too late to rethink it. He brushed his teeth, flossing for good measure.

He looked good, he felt good... actually, Peter was over the moon. Not only did he have a secret admirer, but he was going on a date with said admirer. However, his feelings of elation mixed with his brewing anxiety about the situation quite uncomfortably. There was always a chance this whole thing was some kind of cruel joke... or it could be someone who wanted to use him, for whatever reason... or he could end up hating whoever his admirer was...

But it could also be 100% authentic, a perfect date with someone who was an exact match for him. That was definitely the outcome Peter wanted.

He took a cab to the restaurant, fidgeting nervously as he walked inside. There were a lot of people inside... where was he supposed to go?

"Hi, may I help you?" A young woman came up to him, smiling sweetly.

"Um... I'm supposed to be meeting someone here?" He stated, sounding unsure. She nodded, still smiling.

"Ah, of course. Here, follow me." She led him into the back of the restaurant, where there was a small set up, away from all the noise and chaos of the rest of the restaurant. It was very private and quite intimate, if Peter had to describe it.

"Why, hello, darlin'." Peter squinted, trying to place that voice. It was so painfully familiar...

His date was hidden behind the chairs, but Peter could see tufts of dirty blond hair. He sat down quickly, making eye contact with his secret admirer.

"...Harley..." he breathed, staring with wide eyes. The southern boy looked quite dashing, in a black button up with a crimson bow tie. He was holding a red rose, almost identical to the one in his locker earlier.

"For you, my dear," Harley grinned, offering up the rose. Peter was stunned, slowly reaching out to accept the rose.

"Thank you..." Harley's smile was dazzling, and Peter was struggling to stay calm.

"No problem, darlin'. You have no idea how excited I was to finally ask you out, thank you for coming." Peter just nodded, still staring. Harley chuckled softly, a light blush creeping onto Peter's cheeks.

"Sorry- I uh, I didn't expect it to be you," the brunette murmured truthfully. Harley's face fell, and Peter quickly added: "I'm glad it's you, though! I was a little scared it would be a joke..." Harley nodded, relieved.

"I would never do that," he reassured. "No, I've wanted this for a long time now... it's kinda unreal, y'know? It feels impossibly perfect." Peter couldn't help his wide grin.

"It does," he agreed, nodding. "Thank you for asking me out! I'm excited to be here."

"I'm glad." He smiled fondly at the smaller boy, eyes crinkling slightly. "Now, shall we order dinner?"

Lmao I wrote this in like an hour so pardon any mistakes (not like I edit anyways-)


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