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request by winterwolffire

hiiiii I'm trying to come back and finish up some of the older requests! I'm still not taking new requests at this time but with any luck I should have a majority of current requests done by the end of the summer (and by majority I mean I MIGHT be able to knock down like... 10 or something idk)

anyways I don't remember writing most of this so who knows when I started it! I gave Peter an adorable pet soooo I'm assuming I wrote the beginning in winter but idk

ALSO!!! would like to clarify that Harley and Peter are within a year of each other age-wise!! nothing specific is said but it's implied that Harley is older either (physically or mentally idk but there's definitely something going on there). just wanted to make sure y'all know there isn't some weird age gap cause I love them as almost the same age <3

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

TW: assassins, talk of murder/assassinations, drugging/needles, kidnapping

3rd Person P.O.V.

"How much?"

"Two million. Cash."


"Good. Who's the target?"

"Stark's kid. I want him dead."

"Stark's kid for two mil. Deal?"



"Dad!" Peter exclaimed, running into the lab. Tony was working at a large desk, sipping stale coffee from a mug.

"Pete, how many times have I told you! No animals in the lab," Tony lectured, gesturing at the tiny lizard curled into the crook of Peter's neck.

"Macaroni and Cheese isn't bothering anyone!" Peter insisted. As if to prove his point, he gently brushed his thumb over Macaroni and Cheese's head, the small leopard gecko closing his eyes peacefully. "See?"

"Doesn't matter, kiddo. Macaroni and Cheese needs to stay out of lab areas." Peter frowned, crossing his arms. "Now, what did you want?"

"Oh, um..." The brunette squinted, wrinkling his nose in concentration. "I forgot?" He smiled sheepishly. Tony sighed, smiling as he shook his head.

"Alright, alright. Come back if you remember."

"I will!" Peter waved as he left the lab.

"And no lizards in the lab!" Tony yelled as an afterthought. Peter sighed dramatically, holding his open palm up to his shoulder. Macaroni and Cheese crawled into his hand, happily laying against Peter's warm palm.

"Sorry you can't go in the lab, Mac," Peter murmured, carefully petting the gecko's head. "I know you wouldn't cause any trouble. Let's get you a treat instead."


Harley huffed, pausing the video footage. Peter's small frame was frozen on the screen, Macaroni and Cheese hidden behind his partially curled fingers. The blond switched out the videotapes, picking out another one. His client had provided a small stack of tapes for Harley to review in order to gather intel on his target.

The next videotape was something Peter had recorded himself– perhaps for social media.

"Backflip challenge!" The brunette exclaimed, grinning. There was a few seconds of fumbling as he set his phone against something, making sure the camera was angled at him. He appeared to be on a rooftop, Avengers Tower clearly visible in the background. "Ready! Here we go..."

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