The Dinner

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request by marie_lomas_06 , McFudgenugget , and _st0pid_hoe_ 

So technically this is a part 2 for Movie Theater but it's fine on its own... more or less

Random fact: somehow it's already 3 am

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter was in his room, frantically searching his closet for the perfect outfit. In less than an hour, Harley would be arriving at the tower, to have dinner with the Avengers. He had to look good, he needed this dinner to go smoothly. Everything had to be perfect.

Meanwhile, Harley was having a similar problem at his house. He found his dress pants and his formal jacket, but he couldn't figure out what color button down to wear underneath. He could go with white, or a light blue. Or possibly even a pastel green or yellow. He needed to hurry up and choose, or else he was going to be late, and what kind of impression would that make? He was having dinner with the most important people in New York City, he could not screw this up.

Peter had found his outfit- a white formal jacket, with a pastel pink button down and white dress pants. He only hoped his family would put just as much effort into their outfits as he had.

The brunette was standing in front of the mirror, trying to style his messy hair. He was smoothing it down, without much luck. Peter sighed, accepting that his hair wasn't going to be styled.

"You have a visitor," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced, startling Peter.

"Oh, um, thanks Fri." He took one last look in the mirror, taking a deep breath. Peter ran down the hallway, taking the elevator down to greet Harley. The doors opened, revealing a rather handsome looking Harley. Peter gaped slightly, staring at the taller boy.

"Do I look ok?" Harley was wearing a black formal jacket with a light blue button down, black dress pants, and slicked back hair. Peter shook himself out of his trance.

"Oh, um, sorry. You, uh, you look incredible," Peter stumbled, in awe. Harley grinned, walking towards the elevator to join the smaller boy.

"Thanks, darlin'. And you look absolutely perfect, as always." They joined hands, being taken up to one of the higher floors to meet the Avengers for dinner. They were both nervous, Harley because he was meeting his boyfriend's family and his childhood heroes, and Peter because, well, the Avengers weren't the most well behaved bunch. The elevator stopped, letting them off at the kitchen, which was completely empty.

"They're not here?" Peter frowned, gulping nervously. "They should be here. Where are they?" Harley stood behind the smaller boy, his arms draped over Peter's shoulders.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm sure they'll be here. Maybe they're just getting ready still?" Harley offered. Just then, Natasha, Black Widow, walked in, wearing a sleek black dress. She stopped, looking around.

"Hey Маленький паук (little spider). And you must be Harley," Nat gave a small nod toward the taller boy, who waved back. "They'll all be here soon. Thor went to get the pizza."

"Thor's coming?" Peter frowned. As much as he loved the god, Thor could be a little... much, especially if you don't know him. As if he had been summoned, Thor walked in, carrying a large stack of pizzas. He spotted Peter, grinning.

"Man of spiders!" He boomed, setting the pizzas down. "Who is your little friend?" Luckily, Harley already knew about Spiderman.

"This is Harley, my boyfriend," the brunette introduced awkwardly. Thor came up to the couple, greeting them energetically. Clint and Steve walked in, quickly followed by Bruce and Tony. Peter looked at the group, face palming internally. Tony was wearing a band t-shirt and jeans, Steve was wearing a red, white, and blue button down and pants with large white stars on them, while Clint and Thor were wearing their everyday outfits. Bruce was dressed nicely, in a purple suit jacket and a green undershirt.

"Harley, right? I'm Peter's dad, nice to meet you," Tony introduced, shaking Harley's hand. "And over there is Steve, Clint, Nat, and Bruce. I assume you've already met Thor?" Harley nodded, smiling at the group.

"Hi, everyone, it's nice to meet all of y'all," the blond greeted, waving at everyone.

"Oh, I like your accent, where you from?" Tony wondered. Harley chuckled, having expected this to come up.

"I moved here from Tennessee about a year ago," he informed.

"Interesting. Well, why don't we eat! I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" There was a mad dash to the counter, Peter watching with alarm as his family fought over the last slice of pepperoni, barely touching the plain cheese pizza next to it. Harley laughed, grabbing Peter's hand and leading them into the fray, both escaping with food on their plates.

They all sat down at the long table, Thor quickly shoveling the pizza into his mouth. Peter cringed, embarrassed that this was what Harley was seeing the first time over at his house. At least Bruce and Nat put some effort in, but this dinner was not shaping up to be the perfect night Peter had expected.

"So, Harley, how long have you known Peter?" Bruce questioned.

"Well, we met maybe six months ago? He tripped on the sidewalk and I caught him," Harley chuckled. Tony smiled, nodding.

"I like this kid," he stated. "He seems like a good person." There were several murmurs around the table, heads nodding in agreement.

Once they had all finished, Harley had to go home. The Avengers all waved at the southern boy as Peter walked him back to the elevator. The doors closed, and the brunette turned to Harley, sighing.

"Harls, I'm so sorry about dinner, I didn't think they would behave like that." Harley waved it off, smiling.

"Darlin', dinner was perfect. I really like your family, and I would love to come back and spend more time with everyone. They seem like fun people," Harley shrugged, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. "I love you, darlin'." Peter smiled, leaning into Harley's touch.

"I love you too." The elevator doors opened, and Harley stepped out, walking to the door. "Bye, Harls!"

"G'bye, darlin'."



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