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request by Annabeth-Chase-XxX 

So it's technically a continuation of the TikTok AU but it's fine on its own

Random fact: before I figured out I was pan, I thought I was bi (I was 13, now I'm 16 and I'll tell ya it seriously took me 3 years to figure out both sexuality and gender, yikes)

TW: the end gets a lil heated

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley took a deep breath, smoothing out his tuxedo. He stood in front of a full length mirror, making last minute adjustments to his appearance.

"Harley, stop playing with your hair," Steve scolded. The southern boy held up his hands in surrender, sighing. "Come here, I'll fix it." As Steve combed and shaped his hair, Harley's anticipation grew. He was so close to marrying the boy of his dreams... well, man of his dreams. He was restless, pacing back and forth, sitting and bouncing his leg, rearranging random objects.

"Steve? Time?"

"Eight minutes, relax." Harley threw up his hands, turning to stare at the older man incredulously.

"Relax!? How could I possibly relax when, in less than 20 minutes, I'm getting married to the man I love? It's too important to be relaxed for," he muttered the last part, turning back to the mirror. He was dressed in a black tux with a red tie, a simple knot that could easily be undone (for ~after~). His hair was slicked back, but not so much that it looked greasy. It was the perfect look, exactly what Harley had imagined. He was only missing one thing.


"Five minutes," the older man sighed. Harley groaned impatiently. He couldn't wait to have Peter on his arm, walking down the aisle together. It was so close, yet so far...


"Kid, you need to calm down."

"But what if Harley doesn't want to get married? I don't want to get left at the alter!" Tony rolled his eyes.

"Pete, Harley asked you to marry him. He definitely wants to get married, so let's not leave him at the alter, ok? Just calm down." Peter paced back and forth in front of the mirror anxiously.

"What if I trip and fall in front of everyone? What if- oh my god, everyone's going to see us kiss..."

"Yeah kiddo, that's kind of the point." Tony grabbed the brunette's shoulders, holding the nervous groom still. "Harley loves you. You love him. I know you both want to get married. You need to calm down," Tony stated, more firmly. Peter took deep breaths, closing his eyes.

"Yeah... yeah, I do want to get married. I love Harley," he mumbled, smiling fondly.

"There we go. Here, let me fix your tie." Peter was wearing a black tux similar to Harley's, except he had a red bowtie instead of the regular tie. He chose it because it was a gift from his soon-to-be husband, and it just felt right. Peter's hair was messy, but in an organized way. His curls were styled to look effortless and handsome, which Harley would surely mess up later anyway. The brunette grinned, imagining his fiancé ruffling his hair lovingly.

"Oh my god..." Peter shook his head, staring at his reflection. He was getting married... it was too perfect. Tony smiled, proud of his kid.

"Yeah, you ready?" The brunette swallowed thickly, nodding with a soft sigh. "This is your moment, enjoy it." And with that, Peter was nudged towards the platform set up in the middle of the park. There was a large, flowered arch, red and white roses weaved through the lattice. In front of the platform was their audience, 30 or so chairs filled with only their closest friends and family.

And then there was Harley.

He stood underneath the arch, beaming excitedly. Peter froze for a moment, staring in awe. The blond looked absolutely stunning, standing in the sun in his slick black tux, eyes sparkling. He turned his head to look at the brunette, standing off to the side, frozen in place. The way Harley just seemed to light up at the sight of Peter, flashing his bright smile, was enough to snap the smaller boy out of his trance.

He stepped onto the platform, hands shaking nervously. Harley took a step forward, taking Peter's hands in his with a soft smile. The brunette stared at the southern boy with wide eyes, refusing to look anywhere else. Just the sight of Harley was enough to calm him down, reminding him of how badly he wanted to get married to the love of his life.

"It's ok," Harley whispered. "Ready?" His voice was barely audible, but Peter could hear him just fine. He nodded, smiling up at the taller boy. He blocked out the voice of the officiant, instead focusing entirely on Harley. He was startled out of his gaze at the blond's "I do."

"Ok. Peter-"

"Ido!" He exclaimed, rushing his words together. The officiant chuckled, smiling warmly.

"Alright, I know pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss to seal this vow." Harley placed his hand on Peter's jaw, closing the gap between their lips. The kiss lasted a few seconds, each as perfect and wonderful as the last. When they broke the kiss, the audience broke into applause, cheering and whistling for the newlyweds. Peter grinned, finding his family in the audience. He didn't notice Harley moving in to pick him up until his feet were already off the ground.

"Harls!" He yelped with surprise, startled. The blond grinned, carrying him down the aisle. "I thought we were going to walk out together?"

"Sorry darlin', I just had to have you in my arms now," Harley smirked, kissing Peter's cheek. The brunette rolled his eyes, laughing.

"You couldn't of waited five minutes?"

"Nope." Peter shook his head, unable to hold back his grin.

"You're impossible, you know that?"

"Yeah? You won't be saying that tonight, darlin'," Harley winked.

"What does that even mea- wait, are you horny? Now?" Peter asked incredulously. Harley grinned sheepishly, not even trying to deny it. "Seriously? You know we don't have time, right? The party is in 4 hours!"

"Yeah, we don't have enough time to get home and do it," the southern boy paused. "But we did rent a limo, and the windows are super tinted..." Peter hesitated, thinking about it. "It sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?"

"Yeah... " the brunette agreed. "Dammit Harley!"

"What? You like my idea, don't you?" the blond teased, the hot blush on Peter's cheeks telling him he was right. He leaned in close to the smaller boy's ear, whispering huskily. "I can't wait to hear you moan my name, darlin'." Peter went bright red, clapping a hand over his mouth.

"Harley," he murmured, eyes wide. "I-"

"Shhh... save it for the limo."

I'm literally SO sorry... but there's a smut sequel to this in the smut book 😭 its called "Limo"

But at least the wedding was cute?


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