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Request by 20_Quinzy_07

Random fact: the first vine I ever saw was that one with the girl turning around to the song Take On Me (why do I remember this? I can't remember what I did this morning??? Must be a core memory)

TW: gen z humor 👁👅👁

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Alright, so we have some visitors staying for the week." Shuri and T'Challa entered the room, waving. Peter grinned, knowing how much fun she was. "Well, maybe you should introduce yourselves." T'Challa stepped forward.

"I am T'Challa, also known as Black Panther," he stated. Shuri smirked, stepping next to her brother.

"My name's Tre, I have a basketball game tomorrow-"



"Shhh!" Harley was walking toward them, holding a plate with a croissant on it. Shuri and Peter were hiding behind the wall, waiting for the perfect moment.

"AHH!" They yelled, watching Harley startle backwards. The blond grinned, holding back laughter.

"Stop, you could've made me drop my croissant!" All three teens broke into hysterical laughter, dropping to the floor. Steve, who was watching from the table, just backed away slowly, unsure of what kind of cult behavior this was.


Shuri grabbed her bag, walking out to the living room. Harley and Peter were on the couch, watching a movie together. Peter's eyes widened, quickly turning to Harley with a smile.

"Hey, Shuri!" She turned to look at them, smiling at how cute they looked together (Peter was sitting in Harley's lap, cuddled in together).


"I spilt lipstick in your Valentino white bag!" Peter exclaimed, barely keeping himself from losing it.

"Whnokwdnojcdwbh? You spilt- LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG?!" Shuri responded, grinning. All three teens laughed, confusing Tony, who was sitting in a chair messing with a gadget.

"What the fuck?" He whispered under his breath.


Peter stumbled in through Harley's window, a large gash in his side. The southern boy got to work, cleaning and bandaging the wound while Peter just chuckled to himself. Once Harley had finished, Peter stood up, looking the taller boy in the eye.

"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick," he quoted, falling into Harley's arms. The blond couldn't help the laugh that slipped out, catching the brunette.

"Yeah, let's get you to the med bay."


It was time for breakfast, and Shuri was sitting at the counter with Steve and her brother.

"Here, I know you kids like your avocado toast." Steve tossed her an avocado, a grin spreading on Shuri's face.

"It's an avocado! Thaaannkkss!" T'Challa put his head in his hands, sighing.


Everyone was sitting down in the living room, settling in for movie night. Nobody had done anything strange or questionable yet, and the three teens weren't going to let that happen.

"So I was sitting there-" Harley started.

"Barbeque sauce on my titties!" Peter and Shuri finished in unison, all three of them breaking into laughter. The rest of the Avengers were startled, glancing at each other with confusion and fear in their eyes.


Peter went to grab a snack, reaching up to the highest shelf while Harley snickered behind him. The brunette was frustrated, not being tall enough to reach.

"Shut up!" He complained, jumping up to reach the chip bag. Shuri walked by at the perfect time, seeing the bag fall on Peter's head.

"Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortilla!" She grinned. The boys laughed, Peter opening the chips and gently hitting Harley with the bag.

"Hey!" The southern boy exclaimed.

"Don't call me short."

"What? I didn't-"


Harley and Peter were on the couch, Peter asleep in the southern boy's arms. Shuri stopped in the doorway, grinning. She walked up to them, shaking Peter gently.

"Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Oh my fucking God she fucking dead." Harley completely lost it, waking Peter up. He blinked, seeing both Shuri and Harley laughing hysterically.



Harley and Peter were working in the lab with Tony, after Shuri had left to test out her new invention. They were listening to music, and "Cool for the Summer" came on, the two boys exchanging glances. They stood facing each other, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Don't tell your mother," Peter sang along, catching Tony's attention.

"Kiss one another," Harley sang the next line.

"DIE FOR EACH OTHER!" They screamed in unison, falling into each other laughing. The billionaire watched the pair with wide eyes, leaving as soon as Harley kissed Peter.


It was training time, and the whole team was on edge. After nearly a week of non-stop joking between Shuri, Peter, and Harley, it was almost time for Shuri to go back home to Wakanda with her brother. But she wasn't going to leave without making the older heroes more uncomfortable and fearful.

"Alright, get a sparring partner." Everyone paired off, the vines trio exchanging glances. "Ready. Begin!"

"HONEY, YOU GOT A BIG STORM COMING!" They exclaimed, doing a lazy whip in unison. With the initial shock, they easily took down their sparring partners, winning. Peter laughed, doing a backflip off a platform.

"That was legitness!" Shuri yelled, Harley grinning.

"Yeah it was, huh?" The three of them laughed, the other Avengers exchanging uneasy glances.

"What are they doing?" Steve whispered, staring at the trio. They were all standing with their backs to the older Avengers, swaying quickly. Suddenly, they all turned their heads together, grinning playfully.

"...I'm scared," Bruce murmured, staring.

"Me too." Walking forward, Tony waved his arms in the air. "Alright, I'm shutting this down. What are you three doing?"

"Your mom," Shuri snickered quietly. The billionaire frowned, rolling his eyes.

"Seriously, what is this?"

"Vines!" Peter exclaimed proudly.

"Uhhh... what?"

"Memes?" He tried again. Tony's face lit up with recognition.

"Oh. So this isn't like, a cult or anything, right?" The teens exchanged glances, laughing. T'Challa shook his head, sighing.

"No. It's these short funny videos, that's all," he explained. Tony nodded.


"Fr esh avoc a do," Shuri whispered, Peter and Harley breaking into a fit of giggles. Tony side eyed them awkwardly, shaking his head.

"Two shots of vodka- glug glug glug," Peter vocalized, miming the vodka bottle. Harley laughed, hugging him from behind.

"What do you have?" Shuri asked, grinning. The blond picked Peter up, displaying him proudly.

"A knife!"


*quotes vines seductively* 😏😏


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