A New Life pt 2

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I hate the name I picked for their company but it's supposed to be a combo of darlin' and Harls so idk

Random fact: I'm a swimmer, my main stroke is backstroke but my favorite is freestyle

note: SHIELD created a vaccine so that the Avengers won't age past 30

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

It had been five years since Harley and Peter had moved into that tiny cottage. The two of them had started an extremely successful company, and used the money they earned to provide shelters for kids who had been kicked out of had ran away. The shelters were full of LGBTQ+ youth, disowned by their families, searching for a new, better life.

Peter had quickly given up Spidermanning after they started their company, for both his and Harley's safety. He let the world know who was the man behind the mask, but promised that he was giving it up forever. Of course, that didn't stop the young hero from saving a few people now and then, but he no longer fought crime.

Harley and Peter married when they were both 21, celebrating lavishly with their newfound wealth. They even made sure there was enough cake for the kids living in their shelters, because they deserved it just as much as everyone else. They adopted a daughter, Kiara, who was a toddler at the time. Now, Peter and Harley were 22, Kiara was 5, and they were making the world a better place, taking in the homeless and donating to various organizations monthly. Neither of them had thought about the Avengers and their old life in years, too busy raising a kid and running a multibillion dollar industry to be bothered.


"Maybe this time you'll learn your lesson. Goodbye, Avengers!" The villain cackled maniacally, while the support beams of the tower blew out. The building started to fall, ready to be smashed into a million tiny pieces. The Avengers all made a mad dash to the window, diving out through the glass and to safety on the rooftop of a nearby building. The tower crashed to the ground, crumbled bits of support structures falling into the street.

"We need a safe house. We can't keep running from him, he's too good," Steve insisted. The villain had already blown up the compound, plus several smaller privately owned buildings, all with connections to the Avengers. Everyone's mind (with the exception of Steve and Tony) went straight to Peter and Harley, knowing they had multiple shelters and housing developments for the homeless.

"Well... I may have a solution, but you'll need to keep an open mind," Bruce informed, eyeing Steve and Tony.

"Whatever you have in mind, we'll do it."


You could only imagine the surprise Harley and Peter felt when the Avengers showed up, in need of a safe house. Bruce was the one to talk to them, asking if they would help them. The young couple, ever so generous, agreed, but only if Steve and Tony were put in their place first.

"Alright, I'd like to introduce you to the founders of Darls Hearts," Bruce smiled, gesturing at two all-too-familiar faces.

"Peter? Harley? Is that you?" Tony wondered, eyes wide. "Why did you leave us?" Harley smirked, rolling his eyes.

"Because your musty ass wouldn't like what we're doing," the southern boy stated plainly, grabbing his husband by the collar and kissing him passionately. Peter smiled into this kiss, knowing Harley would have to make some kind of dramatic reveal.

"I'm not homophobic, I just don't think you should be forcing that on people," Tony sniffed, nose turned up. Steve watched with a disgusted look on his face, frowning at the couple.

"Do you even hear yourself? You literally just said something homophobic," Harley scoffed. "Now, the way I see it, you have two choices: be an actual fucking decent human being for once, or go live in the streets. You're lucky I'm letting you choose."

"Who gave you the right to talk to me like that? You really think you intimidate me, with your little "company" and your disgusting shelters? Please, I'm the Tony Stark." Harley raised an eyebrow in amusement, chuckling.

"Well, I see you've made your choice. What about the rest of you? Steve?" Steve sighed, shaking his head.

"Look, maybe I don't 100% approve of this, but I do think that you're doing a good thing here. I think I can get used to it, I can try." Harley turned to the rest of the Avengers, who quickly nodded in agreement.

"Good. You, out." Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, and Tony?"


"Our company is bigger than yours. Now, leave or I'll call security on you," Harley smirked, knowing that would hurt the billionaire's feelings.

"That was good Harls, I'm proud of you," Peter murmured, kissing the blond's cheek lovingly. The Avengers smiled, even Steve.

"I guess you guys are kinda cute together. Maybe I need to rethink some things," Steve mused.

"I'm glad. Now, why don't we get y'all into a safe house, hmm?"


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