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request by Ailsa_Weasley 

Random fact: I'm a theatre kid, but I didn't do it this year cause it's over zoom and that makes me sad

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"-IN THE BATHROOM BY HIMSELLLLLLFFFFFFFF! ALL BY HIMSELLLLLLFFFFFFFF!" Harley knocked on the door, hearing a shriek. The door opened, revealing a sheepish looking Peter. "Hi."

"Hi. Darlin', you know I love your singing, but it's 6:30 in the morning." Peter frowned.

"But I have auditions today! I need to practice!" The brunette pointed out. "Plus, you don't have to sleep in my room if you want to go back to sleep."

"Hm. Right. How are you feeling?" Peter flushed red.

"A little sore still, but I'll be fine," he shrugged. "But I really need to practice, I want to get a good role."

"What are you auditioning for?"

"We're doing Grease, and I'm trying out for Danny Zuko!" Harley nodded, unsure. Peter looked at the blond incredulously. "Have you never seen Grease? Danny Zuko is one of the leads."

"Well, I don't know anything about the show, but I do know that you have a beautiful voice." Harley hugged Peter from behind, making eye contact in the mirror.

"Thank you Harls." The brunette tilted his head to rest on Harley's shoulder. "But just singing won't cut it. I have to be a triple threat if I want this role."

"Singing, acting, and..."

"Dancing," Peter finished. The southern boy nodded slowly.

"Alright, then let's dance." Harley grabbed Peter's hand, spinning him out. The smaller boy laughed, silver bells of laughter that were music to Harley's ears.

"It's not that kind of dancing!" Peter exclaimed, grinning. He spun himself back in, throwing his arms around the blond's neck. "I do appreciate it though." Harley pressed a quick kiss to Peter's nose, causing another spiel of giggles.

"Ah, well, I can't really dance, but I'll watch," the taller boy offered. Peter nodded enthusiastically. Harley watched with a fond smile as his boyfriend showed off his dance moves.

"Ta-da!" Peter posed, doing jazz hands. The blond clapped proudly. "So? Do you think I have a shot?"

"Of course you do. You're talented, darlin', they'd be stupid not to cast you." Peter grinned brightly, wrapping his arms around the southern boy.

"Thank you," he whispered. Harley kissed the smaller boy's forehead, cuddling him. "Maybe I could take a break... I need to preserve my voice, anyway." Harley nodded, both boys getting up and heading back to bed. Peter laid on top of the taller boy, like a heavy blanket. Harley loved it, his soft theatre boyfriend humming quietly, half asleep on top of him.

"I love you so much," Harley stated, staring at Peter with pure love and happiness in his eyes.

"I love you more," Peter responded.


"Oh yea-" Harley cut him off by a swift kiss, Peter melting into it. The couple laid of the bed making out, Harley flipping them around so he was on top. Things were starting to get heated when Peter's alarm went off.

"Harls, I have to go!" Harley kissed up and down the smaller boy's neck, sucking at the skin gently.

"Oh... yeah, yeah, alright. Do you want me to drive you?" Harley questioned. Peter smiled.

"Yeah." Harley drove to the theatre, a mostly silent drive. Peter stared out the window, fidgeting with his hands and bouncing his leg anxiously.

"Hey." The brunette looked up with wide eyes. "You'll do great. Go get 'em." Peter nodded, grabbing his water bottle and walking in for the audition. He returned about 10 minutes later, looking relieved. "So? How'd it go?"

"Pretty good, I think. I didn't mess up at all!" Peter exclaimed proudly.

"That's so good! I bet you did amazing! How about ice cream to celebrate?" Peter looked hesitant.

"I probably shouldn't, it's not good to have dairy before you sing..." He shrugged. "My audition is over. Let's get ice cream!" The pair stopped for ice cream, Peter getting some on his nose.

"How are you possibly this adorable?" Harley wondered. The smaller boy giggled, trying to lick the ice cream off his nose without much luck. Harley laughed, putting a finger under Peter's chin and pressing a kiss over the ice cream on his nose.

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed, grinning. "That was my ice cream! Now you have to give me some of yours." Harley offered his cone to the brunette, who gladly ate some. "Oh, is this brownie?"


"It's really good!"

"Yeah, your Oreo ice cream is good too, give me back mine!"


Back at the tower, Peter anxiously awaited for the call that would determine his schedule for the next few months. When his phone finally rang, Peter answered, Harley standing nearby, watching the expression on his boyfriend's face. And when the grin on Peter's face dropped, he knew it couldn't be good.

"Oh... yes, I understand. Thank you." He hung up, staring blankly at the wall for a moment.

"What'd they say?" Harley asked, although he already knew the answer.

"I didn't get the part. I got casted as the Teen Angel instead."

"Oh! That sounds good!" Peter looked up, meeting Harley's eyes.

"He's on stage for one song," he whispered, voice cracking. Harley frowned, seeing Peter's eyes start to water.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." The blond tried to offer some comfort. Peter let himself lean into Harley, eyes watery.

"I want cuddles, please." The brunette's voice was quiet. Harley immediately wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, carrying him to his room and kicking the door closed.

They climbed into bed, pulling the covers up over their bodies, spooning (with Peter as the little spoon). Harley hugged Peter close to his chest, the brunette closing his eyes peacefully. It sucked that he didn't get the lead, but at least he hadn't been cut from the show. It could've gone worse. Peter sighed. He was going to be the best damn Teen Angel that theatre had ever seen.

this went in a much different direction than expected


Parley OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora