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yall im highkey failing at writing these pride month fics 💀💀

uhhh anyways here's something I wrote during work today??? idk anymore

CW: kissing, heated scene (no smut)

Peter hummed to himself, laying curled on his side in bed. His arms were wrapped around himself loosely, like he was giving himself a hug.

Harley had been back in Tennessee for nearly two months now. Peter knew he would be back soon– the trip ended in less than a week– but it didn't stop him from missing his boyfriend. They weren't used to being apart this long, and Peter was absolutely feeling the effects of boyfriend withdrawal.

He sighed softly, tightening his arms around himself briefly before letting go and sitting up. Just a couple more days. Harley would return to him soon.


Peter shifted back and forth, switching up his weight on each leg. His fingers were a tangled mess, twisted together and wrung out in an uncomfortable pretzel. He couldn't help it– Harley was about to step off the plane, any second now...

"Darlin'!" Harley exclaimed, raising an arm to catch Peter's attention. Harley dragged a large suitcase behind him, grinning wildly at the sight of his brunette waiting for him.

"Harls!" Peter gasped, running toward his boyfriend and tackling him into a hug. Harley laughed as he stumbled backwards, the sheer force of his boyfriend jumping at him nearly knocking them both down. Peter tucked his head into Harley's neck, arms wrapped tight around the blond. Harley had one arm around Peter and the other in his hair, ruffling it affectionately.

"I'll take it that you missed me?"

Peter didn't move, voice muffled by Harley's shirt. "Maybe..."

"I missed you too, darlin'. Why don't we get back to the tower and then we can hang out?" Harley suggested. Peter nodded, not making any effort to move away and instead continuing to cling to Harley.

"Peter, sweetheart, you need to let go, alright?" Harley spoke gently, running a hand through Peter's messy hair. "We can cuddle once we get home."

With a little more coaxing from Harley, Peter eventually let go, albeit reluctantly. Harley grabbed his suitcase and they took a limo back to the tower (Tony had insisted they take one of his limos... for once, Peter didn't argue). In the back of the limo, Peter practically clung to Harley, almost refusing to let him go when they arrived back at the tower.

"Sup, old man?" Harley greeted, shooting finger guns at Tony. The billionaire rolled his eyes light-heartedly, smiling as he shook his head.

"Nice to see you too, Harley," he replied, glancing between Peter and Harley. "Don't get nasty tonight, you two. Some of us would like to get some sleep." His tone was light, but Peter turned pink from the implication. Harley just laughed in response, wrapping an arm around Peter and raising his eyebrows at Tony.

"Cockblock much?" Harley retorted, kissing Peter's forehead when the shorter boy hid his face in his hands from embarrassment. Tony shook his head, throwing his arms up in the air and turning away.

"Whatever! Just be quiet– I wasn't kidding about needing some sleep." Tony left, not waiting for a response. Harley just chuckled, gently prying Peter's hands away from his face.

"Don't hide, darlin'. I've really missed that pretty face of yours~" Harley said teasingly, keeping his voice low. Peter's cheeks and nose were bright red, but he had a shy smile on his face. Harley smiled, tilting Peter's chin up to plant a soft kiss on his lips. It was brief, but the motion made Peter's stomach flip-flop happily.

"Should- ah- should we go... to a room?" Peter suggested, reaching for Harley's hand.

"Right! Yes, I need to unpack-" Harley stopped, looking at Peter. "-or maybe that can wait?"

Peter didn't respond, instead dragging Harley to one of their rooms. Harley closed and locked the door behind them, grinning as he rolled his suitcase off to the side.

Harley caught Peter's lips in a kiss, leading him backwards toward the bed. Peter's legs caught and he fell into a sitting position, Harley holding him in a passionate kiss. They broke apart for breath, and Peter scooted back on the bed, Harley following suit. Instead of escalating further, Peter wrapped his arms around Harley and pulled him down onto the bed beside him.

"Darlin'?" Harley questioned, slightly confused. Peter gave him a quick kiss before snuggling into his side, tangling their legs together. Their bodies were pressed together, being as close as they possibly could in the moment.

"Just cuddles tonight?" Harley asked softly. Peter hummed affirmatively, nodding. His face was buried in the crook of Harley's neck, too comfortable and comforted by Harley's presence to bother moving. The blond just chuckled airily, holding Peter close and pressing a kiss to his temple.

"I missed you," he murmured near Peter's ear, sending a shiver through the smaller boy's body.

"I missed you too," Peter replied breathlessly. He was thankful that his face was hidden from view– he could feel the heat of a blush on his skin. Harley could fluster him so easily... he was just so in love with his boyfriend. Harley, on the other hand, was more difficult to fluster. He loved when Peter got flustered, though, and he took every chance to make that happen. It was a simple dynamic, but a good one.

Peter's breathing evened out, soft puffs of breath against Harley's collarbone and the steady heartbeat against his chest eventually lulling Harley to sleep as well. The pair slept peacefully in each other's arms, content with their relationship. In this moment, everything seemed right with the world, and Peter and Harley couldn't be happier.

literally what even is happening. I'm so lost idk whats going on

my laptop says tuesday but my phone says Wednesday. its like 4 pm what day is it??????

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