Purr pt 2

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request by lokisonfam

Random fact: I lost my pants at a swim meet once, they were the shittiest leggings I owned (I was like 12) and we never found them after searching the entire locker room and pool area

 it was dumb but at least I had something interesting to write about for those English narratives, I've written 3-4 on this event (no joke my life is just this boring)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Is something... purring?" Peter's head shot up, eyes wide. His quiet purrs stopped, body stiffening nervously.

"Uhh..." He was suddenly uncomfortable, unsure of what to do. Harley shushed him gently, running his fingers through Peter's hair slowly. Tony squinted, eyebrows furrowed.

"What's going on?" He asked suspiciously. The smaller boy turned to Harley, silently pleading for him to play dumb.

"I don't hear any purring," the blond commented, kissing Peter's nose gently. Tony was watching them carefully, eyes narrowed.

"Mhm... sure..." He slowly turned back to what he was working on, Peter letting out a quiet sigh of relief. Tony sent a text to Steve, who immediately looked up.

"Why'd you text me? I'm right here," he stated, confused. Tony face palmed, shaking his head.

"Forget it, forget it." Peter was on alert again, tensing up.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok," Harley shushed, speaking just barely audible so only Peter could hear him.

"Harls..." The brunette mumbled.

"Do you wanna finish the movie upstairs?" Peter nodded, Harley picking him up and carrying him back to the bedroom.

"Thank you..."

"Sure thing, darlin', but would it really be that bad for them to find out? I mean, it's just part of your powers," the southern boy pointed out.

"It's embarrassing!" Peter cried, putting his head in his hands. "I hate it, it's so weird..."

"It's not that weird. Especially considering that you can literally walk up walls," Harley shrugged. "Plus, darlin', I think it's very... you." Peter looked up at the blond, sighing.

"I don't know..."

"What's the worst that could happen?" The blond asked.

"They could make fun of me." Peter hugged his chest, frowning.

"Hey." Harley tilted Peter's chin up gently, smiling. "They aren't going to make fun of you. But if they do, I'll be there for you, ok?" The smaller boy sighed.

"Can I think about it?"

"Yes, of course, darlin', take as much time as you need." Harley kissed Peter's forehead, pulling the brunette into his side. "Now, how about the movie?" He turned it on, cuddling Peter and running a hand through his curls. The smaller boy purred softly, falling asleep in Harley's arms at the end of the movie. "Aww!" The blond grinned, kissing Peter's cheek lightly and settling in to fall asleep with the brunette in his arms.

Harley awoke to find his boyfriend half asleep, purring sleepily. He grinned, connecting their lips lovingly.

"Mmm. Hi Harls," Peter mumbled, snuggling closer.

"Hi, darlin'. Have you thought about it?" The brunette frowned, opening his eyes.


"C'mon, they're going to figure it out on their own eventually. You can't keep it a secret forever," Harley reasoned. Peter sighed, burying his head in the southern boy's chest.

"I guess..."

"Hey." Harley tilted Peter's chin up. "It's going to be fine." The smaller boy nodded, accepting his fate.

"Alright." He looked up at Harley, taking a breath. "Let's go." They got out of bed, heading down to the living room where Tony and Steve were still sitting.

"You guys got a minute?" Harley questioned. They both looked up, nodding.

"Yeah, kid, what's up?" Tony wondered. Harley pushed Peter forward gently, smiling and nodding.

"Right, um, so you heard, uh, purring earlier?" Tony nodded. The brunette took a deep breath, fidgeting with his hands. "Yeahhh... so, um, that was me..."

"I knew I heard purring! Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Tony questioned.

"I don't know, it's kinda embarrassing and personal-"

"Do you not trust us? Oh, god, Pete, I'm sorry, I thought..." Peter shook his head, waving his hands quickly.

"No, no, I trust you, I just..." He sighed. "I just didn't want people to know. It's weird."

"It's not that weird, kiddo. I think the fact that you can stand on the ceiling is weirder," Tony shrugged.

"That's what I said!" Harley exclaimed, pulling Peter into a hug from behind. "See? Told ya," he whispered. The smaller boy grinned, laughing happily.

"Thank you," he whispered back, kissing the blond.

"Get a room!" Tony exclaimed, laughing. Harley smirked.

"Mhm, if you say so." He picked Peter up, carrying him back to the bedroom and kicking the door shut. Harley pinned the brunette down on the bed while they made out, tongues wrestling. "Oh, darlin', you're so pretty, my beautiful boyfriend." Peter grinned, laughing softly.

"Harls!" He exclaimed, giggling. "Stop it!" Harley smiled, getting off of Peter to cuddle the smaller boy.

"You know you love it," he teased, tapping Peter's nose gently. "You love me."

"I do, you're right," the brunette smiled, rolling his eyes. "Asshole." Harley gasped sarcastically.

"I'm wounded," he held a hand over his heart, faking hurt. Peter laughed, shaking his head.

"Oh, shut up and kiss me!"


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