Eating Disorder

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Its important that everyone knows, before they read this, that the thoughts and actions taken in this oneshot are examples of extremely unhealthy and damaging behavior. Most of the things that Peter's experiencing are meant to capture what having an eating disorder is like. I hate to say that I have firsthand experience with this, especially lately, but I'm working on fixing it. I didn't do any research, I just combined what I already know and what I've noticed and tried my best to capture how an eating disorder might affect a superhuman (no amount of research can tell you that so... just go with it)

Random fact: um since this is an eating disorder oneshot... I've been trying to get better lately, today wasn't great but I've been eating everyday

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TW: eating disorder, damaging behavior

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter found himself on the scale in his bathroom, fidgeting anxiously. He waited for the little digital numbers to light up, a small smile gracing his lips.

106.5 lbs.

He was down .7 pounds from yesterday, much to his delight. It almost made the hunger pains worth it, knowing that he was losing weight. But it wasn't enough, Peter wanted to weigh even less. He didn't really need to eat everyday, right?

He set goals for his weight loss. He would lose the 6.5 pounds by Friday, become 100 pounds in three days. He could do it, he just had to take it further. He just had to push himself, and he could achieve his weight goal. Peter stepped off the scale, moving to stare at himself in the mirror. He pulled his shirt off hesitantly, standing up straight and sucking in. Not that there was much left to suck in.

Peter put his arms up, admiring the way his ribs stuck out, his skin molding over the bones. He ran a finger down his rib cage, feeling the hills and valleys brush under his fingertips. His lips curled into a smile. He was doing it... he was losing the weight. Peter would never be fat again, as long as he kept working towards his goal. Once he reached 100 pounds, he would strive for 95. Then he would stop. 95 pounds. Peter shivered with anticipation. Finally, he would be skinny, and no one would ever make fun of his weight again.

He had started dieting nearly three months ago, his starting weight having been 130 pounds. He was proud of his progress, losing what would soon be 30 pounds. It wasn't that he stopped eating, no, that wasn't it. He just ate less. What would normally be a three-or-four meal day turned into one meal, if that. But it was fine, as long as he was eating. Nobody could say he wasn't.

Harley was getting suspicious, and it made the brunette nervous. If he found out, would he make Peter stop? Would he try and get in the way of Peter's happiness? He hoped not. The southern boy had looked at him strangely, the night when Peter had poured a bit of milk into a bowl and said he had cereal. Harley didn't believe him, Peter could tell, but the blond couldn't exactly prove anything, right? Peter was being careful.


The next day, Peter weighed himself again before bed.

105.9 lbs.

Down another .6 pounds. This time, Peter was less satisfied. It was Wednesday already, meaning he would have to lose weight faster to reach his goal. His gaze flickered to the toilet, and he swallowed nervously. He didn't want to throw up, but he had to lose the weight...

No, no. He wouldn't go there... at least not yet. Peter made a mental note that, if he didn't lose the weight in two days, he would make himself lose weight. That brought a weak smile to his face. He was raising the stakes, making him want to lose the weight even more.

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