Ice Skating

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request by Starwars_Rules12 

This one's pretty long ngl and kinda dramatic

Ransom fact: before I figured out I was nonbinary I went through a more feminine phase (I mean not really in the way I dressed all the time but yknow) and god it was horrible. That was not me, I'll stick to big hoodies that hide tittie plz + thank you

TW: drama

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"I have a feeling you're gonna like the surprise I have planned!" Harley exclaimed, watching Peter tie up the laces on his winter boots. The brunette was struggling to reach his feet, with all the layers he had on. "God, you look like a marshmallow. Let me help." The blond kneeled down to tie Peter's laces, while the smaller boy sighed.

"I can't thermoregulate, shut up," he pouted.

"I know darlin', I'm just messing with you," Harley chuckled, standing up. "All set. Ready to go?" He offered a hand, helping the smaller boy to his feet.

"Thanks," he mumbled. They walked down the street, Harley leading Peter to a nearly deserted lake, frozen over with a layer of thick ice. The pair had decided to spend a week up at one of Tony's houses, in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, New York. It was peaceful, however, and with the snow and ice the trees surrounding the property dangled perfect icicles.

"Why are we here? I don't think swimming is the best idea this time of year, Harls," Peter laughed.

"Nope... we're going ice skating!" Peter frowned.

"Uhhh, just one problem... we don't have ice skates." The southern boy held up a finger, grinning as he left to dig in the snow under a large tree. He pulled out two pairs of ice skates, hockey style. "What the fuck?"

"Surprise! I hid these out here when we first got here. Remember when you took a nap? I went out walking, found this place and figured maybe we should try ice skating," Harley explained. Peter was still dumbfounded, staring with confusion.

"Do you even know how to ice skate?" The brunette questioned. Harley shrugged.

"Well, sorta... I've been a couple times, it's not super hard to figure out." He sat down on a snowy log, switching his snow boots for the skates. "Can you skate?"

"I've been skating too, it's just, ah," the smaller boy frowned. "I'm not very good." Harley smiled, patting the space next to him on the log.

"Well, I can help you. C'mon, I can help tie your laces up," he offered. Peter smiled, brushing the snow off the log before sitting down. Harley switched his boots for skates, lacing them up nicely. "Alright, ready?" The blond helped Peter up, balancing on the blades of his skates.

"Woah!" the smaller boy wobbled, holding Harley's hands for support. "Harls... you sure about this?"

"I'm sure darlin', it'll be easier after you get used to balancing, ok? Plus I'll be here with you the whole time. You can do it, I promise," he encouraged. The southern boy led Peter out onto the ice, holding him up. "Just swipe your feet from side to side, like this." He let go of Peter, skating in a small loop before hearing the thump of his boyfriend hitting the ice.

"Ow..." Peter mumbled, accepting Harley's hand as he was pulled back to his feet.

"C'mon, I can hold you, but you have to skate, ok?"

"Fine." Harley stood beside the brunette, an arm wrapped around his back and the other arm held out in front of Peter cautiously. They glided across the ice together, the smaller boy getting the hang of it. Harley stopped, letting him go on his own.

Parley Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें