Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

"So is there anything else you need? Everything is all packed up right?" Cody asked. I slowly nodded.

"Yea...I'm pretty sure that's everything. I con't think of anything else I'd need to get..." I tried to remember anything that I could have at someone else's house. I'm pretty that I've never left anything and anyone esle's house.

"Oh Kellin, what about all those CDs? You know, in the tree house."

"Oh yea. I should probably go get those. Do you guys wanna come?" I ask, looking at Cody, Taylor and Anthony. They all nod.

"You never told us you had a tree house." Taylor says. I just shrug.

"You never asked. Besides, it's not that important. Anyways, we'll have to go back to my house to get there. It's in the woods behind it." Anthony nods.

"Then let's get going."


"Are you sure this is safe?..." Taylor asks while looking up at the ladder.

"Yea I'm sure. It'll creak a bit when you start to climb, but ignore it. Just climb and don't look down." I say as i place my hands on the ladder. I start to climb up it. Anna comes up after me. I offer her a hand as soon as I got up into the tree house. She takes it.

"Thank you." I help her get up into the tree house and smile.

"It's no problem." She looks down the ladder and laughs.

"Are you guys coming?"

"Ah...Yea sure. We're coming up." I roll my eyes.

"While we're still young please." I could hear the ladder creak.

"Shut up Kellin!" Cody yells up the ladder. I just smile. After a minute or two, Cody was at the top of the ladder. I offered my hand to him. He gladly took it and climbed into the tree house.

"Thanks man." He looks up and immediately looks at the self full of CDs.

"Whoa man! Are these seriously all yours?" I nodded.

"Yep. Well, some of them are Max's-most of them are-but I guess they're kinda mine now..." Cody nods. He looks around at the rest of the tree house. Besides the self, there wasn't really anything else to see. There used to be some old bean bags, but now there's only one. After the thing with Max, his friends stopped coming here. They didn't come back until two years later when they went to college. I still remember them,. Blade came in and took his chair and what was his of a comic book collection. Josef took his chair, his books and his game cards. Wes, Max's best friend, came in and took his table, chair and guitar. He was supposed to take Max's bean bag out of here with him, but he didn't. He told me he wanted either Max or I to have it. He seemed to be the only one who believed that Max would wake up from his coma. I wonder if he still thinks that now.

Taylor and Anthony came up into the tree house next. Anthony was carrying a crate for all the CDs. They both look around. Anthony looks down at the crate.

"Alright, let's go ahead and start putting all the CDs in here. Does it matter what order?" I shake my head.

"Nah. I don't care. You guys wanna put some music on before we start?" I didn't wait for an answer. I knew they'd all say yes. I looked through all the CDs until I found the one I wanted. It was a mixed CD someone-I think it was Josef-made. I put it into the Cd player and hit play.

"Load up on guns, bring your friends

It's fun to lose and to pretend

She's over bored and self assured

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