Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I walked into school, sighing. This is the last place I want to be. Dad's beating this morning was worse than usual, making the pain in my leg worse. I had a bit of a lip and couldn't put any weight on it without it hurting. It wasn't normal pain though. I'm almost positive it's broken. I should go to the doctor's about it, but I don't want to. I'm scared to. The doctors just push and push until they find out what they want. If I went, they'd find out about dad and send me to a foster home. Or they could see how skinny I was. Or, even worse, they could find out I self harm and make me go to therapy.

"Hey you okay Kellin?" Anthony asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged.

"I'm fine. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night." I answered, knowing it was a lie. I was anything but fine.

"Hey guys I gotta go catch up with my friends. Austin said he wanted to show me something." Taylor said, looking at us. Anthony nodded.

"Go ahead. We'll met you down here when school's over." Taylor smiled and ran off. He got his snake bites Saturday and seemed to love them. They looked pretty good on him too.

"I'm surprised mom let him get those things." Anthony said. I didn't have to ask to know that he was talking about the piercings. "She wouldn't let me get my nose pierced. I wanted one like Vic has." I shrugged.

"Yea but he's the youngest. Parent usually are softer on the baby in the family." That's how it used to go with us. It drove Max crazy to see me not get in trouble for something he would've gotten in trouble for. Anthony shrugged.

"I guess you're right. She told me this year that I could get one for Christmas if I wanted. I guess I'll be doing that." I nodded as we started to walk to my locker. "Do you want any piercings?"

"I want snake bites. Or maybe angel bites." Anthony nods as I open my looker, grabbing my math book.

"They'd look good on you." I faked a smile.

"Thanks." We start walking to first period. I felt like everyone was staring at me, but that was usual for me. I always feel like people are judging, and they probably were. I don't know why Anthony even wanted to be near me. It was making people judge him too. There were already some rumors going around about us. Apparently, being emo makes you gay. People were starting to think we were dating, which was stupid. I had no interest in him like that, and it was clear to see that Anthony loved Emily. But a lot of girls liked Anthony, and he refused to go out with any of them. People started talking and they came up with the idea that we were a couple. That's the thing about people; they always want answers, but never stop to think about if the idea makes since. If they did, they would notice that Anthony's lock screen on his phone is a picture of him and Emily and that girls don't take interest in me. But they don't take notice of that.

"Hey Kellin, can I ask you a question?" Anthony asked as we walked into first period and to the back, sitting down in our seats. I shrugged and looked over at him.

"What is it?"

"What happened to your leg? You're limping a bit." I shrugged.

"I hurt it." Not an exact lie. I did hurt it, but I didn't do it myself.

"How?" I shrug again, looking around the classroom.

"I don't know. Skateboarding or something." I used to skateboard a lot. Max taught me how to. He'd take me to the skate park and let me use his old one while he talked to his friends. They were always really nice to me. I haven't been able to for a while, mainly because dad broke the skateboard Max gave me and burned it. I've been wanting to buy a new one, but all the money I've been getting from little jobs I've been working has gone straight to Max's life support. Until I can, I have Max's old one, but I don't get it out much. It's hanging up in our room on the wall. I don't want to take it down because that's where Max left it. I didn't have the heart to take it down.

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