Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

My eyes snapped open and were greeted by whiteness and a bright light. I quickly closed them back tight, waiting for my dizziness to go away.

"Kellin you're up. Good." My eyes snap open and dart over to the person talking. Anthony. I felt my heart drop. I wasn't dead. I'm still alive. Of course I'm still alive. I'm not lucky enough to die. I whimpered once I saw him. He looked mad. He was looking at me with a mixture of emotion in his eyes. I looked down. He was mad at me. He hated me. He was going to leave. Of course he was going to leave. Everyone leaves. Anna, Cody and Taylor probably left too. That's why they're not here. They all left. They're mad at me and they're never going to talk to me.

"Why Kellin? I mean, really, why?" he asks, laughing slightly. I keep looking down, too afrid to meet his eyes.


"I mean, really Kellin. Did you not think about us when you did that? Did you not think about me? I mean, it's putting a lot of guilt on me. I've already lost my best friend and now I'm losing you too?" he says, raising his voice a bit. I winced and moved farther away from him.

"Anthony I'm sorry..." I whimpered out, pulling my knees to my chest.

"No. I'm sorry Kellin. I'm sorry I've wasted your time. Maybe you're right. Maybe you are just a lost cause. I wish I could help you, but I've tried. And I guess I failed. Just like with Beth. I guess that's all I am. I'm just a failure. I mean, I can't even keep a friend around. Just so you know, I love you too. I really love you Kellin. Why did you have to try to kill yourself?" he asks. I shrug, biting my lip.

"I-I-I d-don't kn-know...I'm j-just so-rry....P-p-please don't b-be m-ma-d...." I somehow manage to get out. Anthony shakes his head.

"Were you really going to leave me? Really?" he whispers, tears starting to run down his cheeks. I look down, tears starting to run down mine too. I didn't like seeing people cry. I defiantly didn't like seeing Anthony cry. It hurt. It hurt a lot.

"T-t-the memories....T-they w-were hurttin-g me-e...." He shakes his head, laughing harshly.

"You know one of the few things I hate about you Kellin?" He didn't wait for my answer. If he had, it would've saved a lot of damage.

"You have yourself convinced that no one needs you. What if I need you? Huh? What if you're the one thing keeping me here? What if I killed myself right after you? I almost did. I had a gun. I was ready to. I was really about to. What would've happened then? Would you even care? If you woke up today and I wasn't here, would you care? Would anyone care? Seriously Kellin, would you?" he questions. The shaking got worse. He was turning into dad. He was going to start hurting me. He was going to transform into dad. He was going to find joy in my pain. I bite my tongue to hold in my whimpers, looking up at him. He laughed harshly and stood up, shaking his head.

"Of course you wouldn't. No one would. Bye Kellin." he growls out, walking out the door.

"Anth wait..." My voice sounded hoarse, nothing like it usually did. My throat was tight and was starting to hurt. My stomach feel tight. My head was starting to hurt. I felt just like I did when mom died. Just like I did when Max died. I wasn't sure why. Then, it hit me.

I loved Anthony.

I honestly and truly loved him and he was leaving. He was leaving me. He was leaving me. Maybe the reason why it hurt so much when he turned around and faced me was because I loved him. I guess he'll never know that I did though. He walked out of the room before I could choke the words out. It wouldn't have mattered though. He wouldn't have came back. He shouldn't have either way. I didn't deserve him. I didn't deserve Taylor either. Or Anna. Or Cody. I didn't deserve any of them. I didn't even deserve to die. I just deserve to stay at home all day and let dad beat me. Pain's the only thing I deserve. I sat there, shaking and sobbing into my knees, until a voice made me jump.

"You'll have to excuse Anthony. He's going through some hard times right now."

I look up and saw someone I didn't think I would see. Standing in the doorway was.....



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