Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

I was shaking and sweating. I didn't want to go backstage. Backstage was where all my heroes were. Backstage is where I'd end up making a fool out of myself. I didn't want to go. But it was too late. Anthony, Cody, Taylor, Anna and I were all standing outside the backstage door, waiting for the guard to let us in. There were two more people there, I think they said their names were Justin and Krystal. They were both maybe in their twenties and seemed cool enough. I think they were a couple. I felt Anna put her hand on mine, squeezing softly. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile.

"Why are you so nervous?" I shrug slightly, trying to fight back the need to throw up.

"I-I don't really know.....I guess it's just the nerve of knowing that right there, behind that door, are the heroes that saved me....How are you not nervous?" Anna leaned her head on my shoulder and looked up at me, shrugging.

"Because they're people. It's not like they're some alien that will give us free cats if we hug them." I smile lightly and kiss her nose, turning so I could face her..

"Yea well I'm like this around all people." She giggles and pokes my side.

"Not around me." I softly shook my head.

"No. I'm always scared around you.Or at least I think I'm scared. I don't know what it is. All I know is that my heart beat picks up when I see you and I can't help but to smile." She blushes slightly and looks down.

"R-really?" I nod.

"Yea. Why wouldn't it be?" She glances up at me, still blushing.

"No one's ever said anything like that to me..." she whispers so quietly that I barely heard her. I laid my forehead against hers.

"Well good. That means no one should steal you away from me." She smiles at me, kissing me then pulling back a bit too quickly, making me pout. Why did she always have to pull back? She giggles.

"And what are you planing to do with me once you have me?" I smile softly, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me. She wraps her arms around her neck and puts her chin onto my chest, looking up at me.

"Keeping you forever." She brushes my bangs back, staring into my eyes. Usually, I would look away when people stared into my eyes. It always made me uncomfortable. This, for some reason, didn't. It felt....Natural. For the first time in my life, I didn't question why. I don't want to question why Anna made me feel like she did. But I couldn't stop that forever. But, just for now, I can stop it and just live in this moment. Anna blushes just a bit more.

"I think I'd like that." she whispered. I smiled a full, real smile for what seemed like the first time in my life at her, inching closer.

"I think I'd like that too." I whispered back. She kept looking into my eyes, and I kept looking into hers. There was silence, a comfortable silence, between us, until she broke it.

"You look handsome when you smile. And, just to let you know, that's the first time I've described a male as handsome. I usually say pretty or beautiful but're more than that. So yea, handsome. You look handsome when you smile. I wished you'd do it more." I kiss her nose quickly, still smiling.

"You make me smile." She lays her head onto my chest and looks up at me, moving to where we were as physically close as we could be.

"You make me smile too." I lay my head on top of hers and close my eyes.  She sighs softly.

"Can we stay like this forever?" I nod, my eyes still closed.

"We should." I could hear her giggle, but not her usual giggle. It was small and shy, I braely heard her. It was adorable. She was adorable. Really, there were no words to describe her. Beautiful wouldn't even fit.

'Why did she ever pick me? I swear,  I'm the luckiest guy alive.'

"Hey Kelly? Could I....Could I tell you something?" I nod again and pick my head up, opening my eyes and looking at her. She looked up at me, looking scared. I didn't like that look at all. She shouldn't look scared. She was too innocent for that. I knew I couldn't pull her closer to me, so I didn't even try. I just rubbed her back softly.

"Yea Anna. Anything. What is it?" She looked around and then down, shaking her head.

"N-not here....When we get home? Please?" I nod again and kiss her, letting my lips linger a bit. I closed my eyes as soon as I saw Anna close hers. She pulled back, but kept her forehead up against mine. I didn't know if she kept her eyes closed or not, but I kept mine closed. She sighed again.

"I-I-I-I um....." Ii opened my eyes and looked at her, but her's were still closed. I brushed her bangs behind her ear.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to tell me Anna." She shook her head, opening her eyes and looking at me.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you it's just that....I'm scared to. I'm afraid you'll leave me because of it." I could feel my heart beat instantly get faster.

'Oh no. What is it? Is she cheating? Does she want to break up? Is something bad happening?' I made myself start to take deep breaths, ignoring my mind. No. Anna wouldn't cheat, She wouldn't breaking up with me. She just said she waned to stay like this, with me, forever. I knew she wasn't lying. I could hear it in her voice. Something bad had to have happened. But what?

'You'll find out soon enough. Relax. Anna's scared. Be there for her now.'

"Anna, you know more than my own Mother knew about me. I would never leave you. I couldn't leave you. You're just....You're the best thing that's happened to me in a while." I whispered shyly. I could feel my cheeks heating up. Oh gosh. I'm blushing. Just great. I quickly looked down before Anna could see, but her giggle gave me the assumption that she had already saw it.

"Awww baby you're blushing!" she squealed, giggling even more. I could feel the blush growing. Ii glanced up at her. She was smiling, but it wasn't a full smile. I leaned in and kissed her again. I felt her smile grow a bit as I did. I pulled back, looking into her eyes once more. She put her hand on my cheek, stroking it with her thumb. I could feel her moving it in circles. I leaned into her hand, still smiling at her.

"Thank you." she whispers so only I would hear. I gave her a confused look.

"For?" Her smile grew.

"For being amazing." I couldn't help but to groan softly has my cheeks stared burning again. She giggled, bouncing on her heels a bit. I smiled at her, looking up and shaking my head. That's when I was Cody, Anthony and Taylor, all staring at us. I had completely forgotten they were there. I had forgotten about the other two people too, but that didn't really matter. They didn't know us. This wouldn't look like anything more than two teenagers being all lovey-dovey together. Taylor smirked at us than mouthed something to me. I rolled my eyes once I figured our what it was.


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