Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I didn't know what to think. What could I think? My mind wasn't even functioning. All I knew is Anna was kissing me and I was enjoying it. But I was also not enjoying it. I didn't know how to kiss. I was starting to panic slightly. What if she thought I was a bad kisser? What if you just completely ingored me because I was? I leaned in a bit, not really sure what to do. Anna pulled back and looked up at me. I just sat there, not sure what to do. Slowly, a smile started to form on my lips. She kissed me. A girl kissed me. A very pretty girl at that matter. She giggled.

"You had me worried there for a moment. I thought I screwed up by kissing you." I quickly shake my head and look at her.

"No. You didn't. You- um- y-y-you just gave me my first kiss really..." I whispered sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck and looking up at her from under my eyelashes.

"So I don't have much competition there?" I quickly shake my head.

"No. I-I mean...Um I-I-I think you're a good kisser....I doubt you'd have much competition...You're very beautiful..." I muttered. blushing. I'm not sure why I added the last part, but it was true. She looked down, blushing too. She looked back up at me.

"So my question is how am I your first kiss? I mean, you're adorable. How do girls resist jumping on you?" I laugh, looking down.

"People don't like me." She raises an eyebrow.

"I don't see why." I shrug and didn't say anything in reply. She giggled and looked up at me.

"So I'm guessing you don't know how to kiss very well?" I blush again and shake my head. She giggles and moves into my lap, straddling my waist.

"I'll have to teach you then." She said, giggling and winking. I smiled a bit and blushed more, making her giggle more.

"You're adorable Kellin. I mean like, you're just too cute." I looked up at her, not believing what she was saying. I wasn't adorable, I wasn't cute. I was Kellin. I didn't argue though. She giggled and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Usually guys make the first move." she points out with another giggle. I shrug and look down.

"I'm not good at making first moves." She smiled and kissed my nose.

"Could I make the first move then?" I shrug, my heart starting to skip beats.

"Kellin-Wait what's your last name?" I laughed nervously.

"Austins." She smiles and nods.

"Kellin Austins, would you please do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" she asks in a British accent. I could feel my heart pounding. Would I? Would this be okay? Was it okay if I got a girlfriend? Was it okay if I was her boyfriend? I look up at her.

"Anna I-I..." Her smile falls into a frown and sadness took over her happy features. I look down.

"Anna, before we get into any...relationships, you need to know that I have a lot of problems. I'm not even sure if I'm mentally stable anymore. I don't want to hurt you in any way and I'm so scared I will..." She shakes her head, leaning forward and kissing me gently.

"Kellin, I don't care. I feel something for you, and I don't want to let that feeling go. You may have problems, but who doesn't? You're not going to hurt me." I looked up at her.

"Anna I don't know...." She leaned her forehead against mine and looked up at me. I looked into her eyes, fighting back the tears.

"What's some of the problems you have Kellin?"

"I have trust issues."

"Why's it so hard for you to trust?" I shrug, looking down. She lifts my chin so I'm looking at her.

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