Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

I ran. That's all I knew to do. That's all I ever did. Run. I didn't know where I running to. All I knew was that I was running away from whatever was happening at my 'home'. I didn't stop running until I felt like I couldn't run anymore. I didn't know where I was. Looking around, all I saw was buildings. I knew where I was then. I was on the other side of town. The side Max always warned me not to go on. I don't know how I ended up here. I guess I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going. My heart started racing as I leaned against a building to catch my breath. Anthony. I should go to Anthony's. But I didn't know which way to go. I knew where I came from, but I didn't know what turns I had made. Did I just run straight? Did I just follow the side walk?

I started to walk around. I wasn't sure if that was the best idea, but that all I knew too do. I didn't make it too far, I was too weak.

I slid down the wall of the ally I had ended up in, trying to catch my breath and get my heart beat to slow down. I could hear it beating. I leaned my head back and wiped off some tears. I must've been so scared I didn't even notice that I started crying. With shaking hands, I reach down and grabbed my phone. Maybe if I called Anth he'd come and pick my up. It was cold out side, I couldn't stay out here for long without catching a cold; that was the last thing I needed right now. Plus, it looked like it was going to rain. With shaking hands, I turned on my phone. There were tons of messages on it.

'Kellin r u okay?'

'Kel Anth wont stop crying. Where r u?' I knew it was Cody when I read it. He never really typed in full words. It bothered me at first, but I got over it. I don't really care to be honest. There were two more from him like those.

'Kellin baby are you okay? Where are you? Is everything okay?'

'Kelin sweetie text back please.'

'Sweetie why are the police at your house? Is everything okay?'

'Kellin the police won't let us in. They said you're not there. Where are you?' All of thoe were from Anna. I felt a strange warmth in my chest, warming me for a few second. She cared enough to text me. She cared enough to call twice. She cared....

'Kellin dude is everything okay?'

'Anthony isn't telling me what's going on all I know is you're gone. Are you okay?'

'Dude seriously get here fast. Anthony's having another nervous breakdown. He's crying really hard....Get here soon. Please. Cody's got Anthony right now but he won't stop crying. Anna's worried too. I can tell she wants to cry but she won't. Please get here soon.' Taylor. Taylor had texted those all.

'Kellin where are you? Did you dad do something? Please tell me you're alright.'

'Kellin why's there police at your house?'

'Please tell me you're okay. The police won't tell us anything.'

'Kellin your dad got arrested. So did that other girl. What did you say her name was? Mary or something? Anywho, what's going on? You're okay right?'

'Kellin please text one of use back. Your dad said you're probably dead. What does he mean? You didn't kill yourself did you? He didn't kill you right?'

'Kellin I swear if you die I'm not going to make it though life.'


'I love you Kellin.....'

'We're coming out to look for you. Wherever you are, stay there. Please don't be dead. I love you Kellin.' Anthony had called me four times and texted me too may messages to count. He loved me? He said it twice. Did he mean it? Were they really looking for me? I shook my head and texted him back.

You're My Last Hope (Under Edit)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora