Chapter 1

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Before you start reading this, there is an updated version on my page under the same title. The writing in the newest one is a a lot better in my opinion. Read whichever you'd like. (:


Chapter 1

I sigh and roll over in my bed. Yet another sleepless night. Nightmares were keeping me up again. I looked over to where my phone was charging, remembering the friend who, "would always be there for me." I already tried calling her. Twice. Each time with no success. I don't even know why I tried. I shoukd've known she was out at a party or sleeping with her boyfriend.

I sigh again and sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and looking at the time. 5:59.

"Might as well get ready now." I mumble as I get up. I walk over to my dresser with barely any clothes in it and pull out some of the little clothes it holds. Just the normal for me. A Pierce The Veil shirt and black skinny jeans. I grab my beanie off the bedside table too. I usually take showers before bed, but last night was so hard I couldn't. I quickly slip off my T-shirt and sweatpants and got into mine and Mom's shower. Then, as quickly as I was in, I was out with my clothes on and hair straighten. I look into the mirror and wrinkle my nose up. Horrid. Cold, icy blue eyes, raven (though it was so dark I considered it black) hair that covers them, lanky and 5'7. That's nothing compared to the jocks at my school, who had muscles and are around 6'7.

"Kellin?" I turn around and see my Mom, looking frail as usual. I fake a smile, hoping she didn't notice it was fake but knowing she did, and walk towards her.

"Is he up?" I asked, whispering. I don't want to wake the beast if he's asleep. She nodded.

"He wants to see you." My smile fell. Dread filled my body. I mean I was already dreading it but now, I knew what was going to happen. I sighed and nodded.

"You slip out the door while I have him."

"But Kellin I-"

"No buts Mom." I snapped, but then regretted in when I saw her flinch. I sighed moved my hair out of my eyes to see her matching blue ones, hugging her.

"Mom, just go to work. He won't keep me past eight. He doesn't want the school to become suspicious. I've kept him waiting long enough. When he starts, leave to work. Don't come back until I'm home. Got it?"

She opens her mouth then closes it again, knowing there was no use in arguing. I'd take whatever my so called Dad gave me then take hers too. She was too frail, too weak, to take it. I was a bit stronger than her. Or at least I acted like I was. I kiss her forehead softly.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." I say, even though we both know it was a lie. I still had a bit of a limp from a month ago that he wouldn't seem to let go away. I heard Dad yell a vituperative word, his nickname for me, and sighed. I already knew it would be bad. I look at Mom one more time.

"When he starts, go." Without another word, I let go then walked past her and downstairs, into the kitchen.

"There you are. What took you so long?" he growled as I entered, looking down at me with anger filled eyes. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I'm sorry sir." I said, making my voice sound as strong as I could. Before I could tell him why, I felt a sharp blow to my stomach, knocking me down. He immediately started to kick me. Anywhere he could. Legs, chest, stomach, head. I bit my lip, trying to keep in my cries, but failing and letting out a few yelps and whimpers. I was almost out when he stopped, picking me up by my arms. I cried out as he dug his fingers into my cuts, ones he caused but I made.

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