Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I jump back from his lap and look at him, shaking.

"Wh-wh-what? No no no no no t-they can't d-do that. T-they c-can't. Can t-they?" I stutter out, looking up at him. I could barely see him. Tears were blurring my vision. I tried to blink them back but failed. I could fell them running down my cheeks. They couldn't make me move. They couldn't. It was my right. Wasn't it? I didn't want to go into foster care. I was scared to go into foster care. I could be put in any type of house. I could be put into a warm and loving home, or I could be put into a abusive home. Anthony moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I instantly snuggled into his side.

"I guess they can Kellin....These men, they showed up yesterday. They said you'd have to go into foster care and that they already had a home for you. That's why I knew you were going to Georgia." I started sobbing into his chest.

"I-I don't w-w-an-t to g-go Anthon-y-y. W-w-why-y can't I-I-I st-stay her-e?" I sobbed out and fist his shirt into my hand. I could feel him running his fingers through my hair. I tensed up a bit and whimpered, burring my face into his chest. He rubbed my shoulder with his other hand.

"I know. I don't want you to go. I'd do anything to keep you her with me." I look up at him and move into his lap, putting my head onto his chest. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple. I could hear his heart beat through his chest. It was calming to me for some reason. It might sound stupid, but I had missed hearing people's heart beat. I used to fall asleep at the sound of Max's heart beat, then he attempted suicide. I used to fall asleep at the sound of mom's heart beat, but she's not with me anymore. And now, I had Anthony's. I don't know how long it would be until I lose his heart beat, but I hope it wasn't soon. I guess, when I did, I'd have Anna's, if she was still here by the time it happened.

"Hey guys. Cody's dropping Taylor off at school. He said to say bye to you Kellin." Anna said as she walked in. I looked up at her and weakly smiled. She sat down in front of me and wiped off my tears.

"So I'm guessing he told you?" I slowly nodded and looked up at Anthony. He gave me a soft smile and rubbed my arm. I bit the inside of my lip to keep in my whimpers. He was touching all my scars. I think Noah might've opened some again because they hurt wrose than normal. Anna took one of my hands and held it in both of hers, playing with my fingers. I looked up at Anthony. I don't know why I hadn't thought about asking him about what happened with Noah. I was probably too high to think about it.

"Anthony? D-do you know what happened?" He raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean Kel?" I looked down.

"W-w-with Noah...." I glanced up at him as he slowly nodded.

"Yea...Kinda..." I try to sit up straighter to look at him, but his arms were wrapped too tight around me to move. I was fine with that though. I felt safe in his arms with Anna holding my hand. I felt like nothing could hurt me. It's not often I feel that.

"W-what happened?..." I mumbled, putting my head back agaist his chest. He sighs softly.

"Well...when I showed up he had you pinned against the wall. You're shirt was off and he had a knife. He was yelling at you to wake up. You had a big gash on the side of your head. I think it was because you fell. Did you?" he asked, looking down at me. I look at him and slowly nod. I hadn't noticed a gash on my head. I reached up and touched my head, wincing as I touched it. Anthony quickly pulls my hand down. There was blood on my fingers.

"We had it bandaged but the blood stopped. Guess we should've kept the bandage on..." he mumbles the last part to himself, looking at the blood. "Hang on. I'll go get the bandages." He hands me to Anna. She raises an eyebrow and looks at him, laughing slightly. He rolls his eyes and sits me down beside her. He runs out the door and downstairs. I look over at Anna, smiling shyly. She was so pretty....She looks at me and smiles, pecking my lips. I closed my eyes and leaned into her a bit. We've never really had a real kiss. I mean, we've kissed, but it's never been with passion. I didn't know if I wanted that though. Did I? I mean, when I was near her, I know that I wanted something more. I really wanted it to go deeper than just small pecks on the lips. The only thing is I don't know how to let her know that I wanted something more. Plus, I don't know much about Anna. I haven't had much of a chance to get to know her. She knew about all of my problems, but I didn't even know her favorite color. The same goes with Anthony. I dind't even know his middle name. I pull back slowly and look at Anna.

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