Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

"Guys stop buying me stuff. Seriously. Backstage passes? You really shouldn't have done this." I say, gesturing to the passes in my hands. We were all outside at some gates, waiting for them to open so we could go into the venue. We were along the edge of it, so it wasn't so claustrophobic. That was really good for me. I hate crowds. Anna rolls her eyes and squeezes my hand a bit.

"Please Kellin. We all wanted to get you this. Besides, Pierce The Veil is your favorite band, right?" I slowly nod, making her smile grow.

"Then loosen up and have some fun." she giggles out, shoving my shoulder lightly. I tried to hide the fact that I winced and smile at her, nodding. I really hate that they bought me all this. I mean, a cat, concert tickets, a full outfit, and now backstage passes? This is all too much. I'd never be able to pay them back for all of it. But I guess I should loosen up. I mean, I'll be moving to Georgia soon. I'm not sure when, but I know it'll be soon.

"So when is t-" Cody's sentence was cut short by people (mainly girls) screaming. I jumped a bit more than the others, mainly because screams don't equal good things in my mind. Just bad things....Anna smiles and looks at me, jumping up and down on her heals and squealing a bit. I wasn't sure why until I looked past her. That's when I saw Pierce The Veil making their way through the crowd. I quickly ducked my head and stared at the ground, willing myself not to start shaking.

'Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here.' I realize any other person would be screaming for them to come talk to them, but I felt like crying at the thought. I was going to make a big enough fool out of myself later, I don't want to start now. Cody snorts a bit.

"Do you guys think they like that? Like, all those girls freaking out when they see them?" I glance up at him and shrug.

"Doubt it. At least, I wouldn't. I mean, it might be cool for a while but it would get annoying quickly. I mean, I'd rather be treated like a human than have girls yelling my name." Cody smirks a bit, making Anthony roll his eyes.

"Please. You asked the question, I gave an answer. Don't take it in a perverted way." Cody shrugs and wraps an arm around Anthony's neck, making him lean down so Cody wouldn't snap his neck or something. He messed up his hair quickly, then let him go and ran behind me.

"YOU WON'T HURT KELLIN AND SINCE I'M BEHIND HIM YOU CAN'T HURT ME." Cody yells while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to where we were pretty much pressed up against each other. I tensed up and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain. Closing my eyes didn't help much, it just made images pop up into my head. I quickly open my eyes again, digging my fingernails into my hand. Of course, now's the perfect time for me to have a flashback. Anna shakes her head and pulls Cody's arms off of me.

"Stop Cody you're giving him bad thoughts." she mutters, pulling me back to her side. Anthony looks at her a bit confused, put then shrugged and threw a pouting Cody over his shoulder.

"Hey guys I forgot something in the car. I'll be right back. Cody's coming with me." Anthony says while walking off. Cody rolls his eyes and looks at the back of Anthony's head.

"I don't have much of a choice. Bye for now guys." he says while waving. Taylor giggles.

"I ship it." Anna smiles at him and pulls me closer to her, kissing my cheek softly.

"You okay?" she whispers so only I could hear. I glance at her from the corner of my eyes and nod, even though it was a lie. I was okay I guess. I just needed to cut a bi-


I haven't cut in a while. I mean, I noticed that earlier, but now it was really hitting me. I haven't cut since Dad got arrested.

Wait, Dad got arrested. So did Marley. What happened to Jeff? I mean, I never really got to know him, but he was going to be my step brother. What had happened to him? Was he okay? Was he going to Georgia with me?

Oh right, I'm moving to Georgia. When though? Why hadn't they put me in a foster home until then? Why didn't they just move me into a home here? Yea sure, I may have some problems, but there has to be someone in Baltimore who would be willing to take me in. Why couldn't Max be here?....Why couldn't Mom be here?

"Kellin baby?" At first I thought it was Mom. Then I realized it was Anna. I looked down at her and made a small "Hmm?" sound. She reached up, moving my hair out of my eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" I glance over at Taylor and saw him talking to some random girl. It looked like they were fangirling over something. I look back at Anna, leaning my forehead against hers.

"I want to cut..." A flash of worry, sadness, something like that, flashed through her eyes. She shakes head head and holds my hand tight, pecking my lips quickly. I just stood there as she did, not moving. She sighs softly and brushes my hair back again.

"Please don't."

"It's not that simple...." She pecks my lips again and moves closer.

"Hey Kellin? Want to know something?" I shrug and look into her eyes.

"In just a few minutes, we'll be seeing A Day To Remember, All Time Low, and Pierce The Veil, you're favorite band, live. Then, after an amazing concert, you'll get to met them all. Think about it. You'll get to hug Jack Barakat. That'll be fun right?" she says, poking my side. I give her a bit of a smile and lay my head on hers, closing my eyes. I could feel her hand running up and down my side, somehow managing to make me relax. After a few minutes, I felt her nudge my side. I open my eyes and see Cody, Anthony and Taylor all standing in front of us, smiling. Or for Taylor, giggling.

"I ship it. Kellaleigh. Ship it or die." Taylor giggles out. Anna rolls her eyes and looks up at me.

"Come on Kellin. They're opening the gates. It's concert time." she says, kissing my cheek. Anthony looks at Taylor.

"Taylor no singing-"







I'LL BE DANCING THROUGH THE NIGHT." Taylor scream/sings as he runs through the gates, well tries. One of the guards stop him before he could. Anthony puffs his cheek and shakes his head.

"-Frozen songs as you go through the gates." he mumbles as he walks up to the guard, who was holding a laughing, giggling, clearly homosexual male named Taylor's arm in his hand. I couldn't help but to laugh at them. Taylor was such a child. Anna giggles and looks up at me.

"Let's go."

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