Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

That was all I could notice. Blood everywhere. I felt like breaking down right there and then. Something had happened and I had no idea what it was. It worried me. Something had happened, and I could tell it was bad. Flashbacks of Max came back to me. I couldn't process much. All I knew was that it had to do with a lot of blood.

I closed the door and stepped father into the house, looking. Blood was everywhere. All over the floor, on the furniture, down the stairs, everywhere. There was actually trail of blood going down the stairs. I let my eyes start from the top, then make their way down them. That's when I saw her, laying on the bottom step.


I have no idea how I didn't notice her before, but, as soon as I did, I wish I never had. My mind seemed to completely stop working. All I could notice was her. I ran over to her body, ignoring the pain in my leg and kneeling down beside her, shaking hard. She was just laying there, limp and bloody. Her body had blood all over it. That's all I noticed. Blood. Blood, blood and more blood. I didn't cry, I was too shocked to produce tears. I just sat there, shaking and staring at her.

'She's not dead. She's mom. She can't die. She cant be dead. She said that she would never leave me, she swore it. She's not dead. There no way. There's just no way. This is just a joke. It has to be. Mom was in drama when she was a teenager and she was always a good actor. This is all acting. There's no other solution. She's not dead, so she has to be acting.' my mind reasoned. Of course that was it. She's acting! I laughed at her, still shaking slightly, and put my hand on her arm, noticing how clod she was.

"Alright mom. Nice joke. Now get up before dad gets here." She didn't move.

"Mom. Mom stop joking. We've got to get upstairs before dad comes. Come on mom!" My smile turned into a frown as I said that. I looked into her open eyes, hoping to see the familiar warmth that was always there. They were lifeless. There was hardly any life in them. That's when it hit me hard. She's dead.

"Mom!" I yelled as loud as I could, hoping she was asleep. "Mom wake up!" I grabbed her other arm tightly and shook her.

"Mom come on wake up! Please just wake up! Please wake up...." I said as I laid my head on her chest, my shoulders shaking. I started crying, letting my tears fall onto her.

"Mom you can't leave! You can't! Wake up!" I yelled, sitting up to look at her through tear filled eyes. She was in the same position as last time. Tears were streaming down my face. I picked her limp body up and hugged her close to me.

"Mom just wake up please...." I whimpered while rocking back and forth. She didn't make a sound. I laid my head back down and cried harder, wishing she'd just wake up. I felt stupid for thinking this, but I thought that, the harder I cried, the more of a chance there was that she'd wake up; like if I cried hard enough, she'd notice and wake up and start wiping off my tears and telling me that it was okay. That she was there. I heard sirens in the background and felt a hand on my arm, but didn't acknowledge it. I just kept my head on her chest, listening for the familiar heartbeat that would lull me to sleep every night. I could faintly hear something, a little, "dun dun, dun dun" of her heart. I held her closer to me, not willing to let go. She was alive. I knew she was. I couldn't let her go now. She's alive and I have to keep it like that. Everyone can hurt her, everyone will, except me. I was the only person who wouldn't hurt her, just like she was the only person who wouldn't hurt me.

"Son get off her. We need to get her to a hospital. I need some help over here!" someone said. Before I could do anything, two pairs of arms ripped me away from mom.

"No!! Mom!!" I screeched out. My voice sounded wrong. My throat felt sore. Tear wear blurring my vision. My chest felt tight. Everything was wrong. All I knew was that I needed to get to mom. I pulled against the people who were holding me back, even though I knew there was no use. I wasn't strong enough.

"Let me go!!" I yelled as I tried to yank my arms out of their hold. They had a tight grip, which was bringing me all sorts of pain, but I ignored it. All that mattered was mom. I felt something get jabbed into my arm, making me cry out in pain as it entered one of my cuts. My vision started to blur as I slumped to the ground. The last thing I saw before the darkness was mom being wheeled out on a stretcher.


'Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.'

That's the sound I woke up to. A beep, two seconds of rest, then anther beep. My eyes open, immediately greeted by bright lights. I moaned and closed them again. I turned my head again and looked over, seeing Anthony with his hands in a fist over his mouth and leaning forward.

"A-Anthony?" His head snapped towards me. He lowered his hands and smiles sadly at me.

"W-where am I?" I whispered softly to him. He sighs.

"Hospital." Panic filled my body and I looked down at what I was wearing. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I saw I was wearing my normal clothes. They didn't know. They didn't know about the self harming. They didn't know about the abuse.They didn't know. I was safe.

"Kellin there's something I need to tell you..." Anthony said, trailing off. I sat up and looked at him, leaning against the bed post. It hurt a bit, but what ever drug they used to knock me out was blocking most of. the pain signals out. I look at him and nod. He sighs and looks down.

"Y-your mom....She's not with us anymore..." I felt a pang in my heart when I hear his words. Mom was dead.

"W-what?" I didn't know what to say. He was lying. He had to be. This couldn't be real. I laughed a bit. "Anth stop lying." He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. He was lying. He had to be lying. Mom couldn't be dead. This couldn't be real!

"Anth why-why are you lying to me?" I asked, still laughing a bit. He looked up at me sadly, shaking his head. The small smile I had had fallen.

"Anthony stop!" I yelled, trying to hold back the tears. A look of hurt passed over his face. That's when it hit me. He wasn't lying.

"Y-You're not lying are you?" I asked, my voice breaking. He shook his head.

"No Kellin. I'm not. Your mom-your mom is dead."

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