Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

"Your dad was arrested last night, as I'm sure you know." I nod and look down. I was now sitting on the couch in front of two detectives. I knew one of them because of dad. Dad was a lawyer. I could tell him my story, but I doubt he'd believe me. No one who knew dad believed that he could hit his own son. He acted like he loved me when he had to. Acted.

"So, could you tell us what he did?" I shrug softly and pushed my hands in my pocket.

"Nothing." I didn't want to testify against dad. If he found out I did he'd kill me....Maybe that would be best though. One of the detectives, the one that dad knew, sat down in front of me.

"You do realize that telling police false information is against the law right?" I slowly nod.

"Then why don't you tell the truth and tell us where you got those bruises on your neck." My hand immediately went up to my neck to cover my slowly healing bruise. It was starting to fade, but you could still tell that there was one. I look up at them from under my fringe.


"Look, he won't be able to get you if you tell us what happened. We'll be able to but his behind bars and you'll never see him again. All you have to do is tell is what happened at home." My eyes darted around the room, looking for some kind of comfort. There wasn't any. Anna, Anthony, Cody and Taylor were all in another room. The detectives wanted them to leave so it was just me talking. I looked back down and dropped my hand.

"My name is Dan Harbor. This is Detective Johnson." The younger detective said while stopping behind Detective Johnston. I nodded slowly. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to make me comfortable. I didn't work. My body was still tense and I was still shaking.

"Would you feel more comfortable telling one of your friends what happened?" Dan asked. I quickly shook my head. I know I wouldn't be more comfortable doing that. I glanced at him from under my fringe again.

"If I tell....Dad, dad won't come back, will he?" I knew I didn't testify he'd come back, but I didn't know it the other way around. I'd do it if it meant I'd never have. To take another punch from him again. Dan nodded.

"He'd be locked up." I nodded and toke a deep breath.

"Where do you want me to start?" Detective Johnson smiled a bit. I'm surprised he did. He liked dad. Why was he happy about me testifying against him?

"From the begging, if you will." I nodded and took another deep breath.

"Dad....Dad never liked me. He only wanted one son; he only wanted Max. He-" Dan interrupted me.

"Who is Max?" I bite down on my lip to keep in my tears.

"My brother...." Detective Johnson nodded and waved his hand, telling me to continue.

"Dad loved Max. He looked at him like he was the greatest thing ever. He didn't like me though. I was just a nuance to him. He always yelled at me for little things like spilling my drink or leaving a toy out. One day it just turned to abuse....No one really knew at first. He didn't leave marks at first. He just slapped me around. Then Mad came home and found dad slapping me. He stood up for me. That's why dad started beating me." I whispered while looking down.

"So where is your brother now?" Dan asked while leaning back on a table. I swallow hard and close my eyes tight, trying to fight back my tears.

"He's in a coma....." I opened my eyes quickly as images flashed by. It seemed that light could keep memories away, kinda like how light could keep monsters away. At least that's what Max taught me. He taught me to stay outside in the sun, because monsters can't get me there. Well, he said dad but what's the difference between my dad and a monster?

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