Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Please come down. Please. Don't do this." I heard her beg. I looked down, barely noticing her voice saying anything, and shake my head, tears falling to join to rushing water.

"W-why does it matter. You don't know me. No one cares about me. It-it doesn't matter if I die!" I said, looking at her. Familiar green blue eyes met mine. She gasped a bit when she saw my face.


'She still remembers me?' I nodded. She looks up at me and covers her mouth. After a moment, she drops it, a few tears running down her face.

"Okay I know I said that I wanted to see you again, but I most defiantly didn't want to meet like this." she says, pointing at me and wiping of a tear. I looked back down at the water, leaning out again.

"Kellin no!"

"Why does it matter?" I snap, looking back at her and standing back up straight. She wipes off another tear.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispers. I barely heard her say it, but I did. My eyes go back down to the water.

"I-I have nothing to live for..." She looked at me and slowly walked towards me, stopping next to me and leaning against the rail. I didn't jump like I said I would a few minutes before. I just stood there, looking down at all the water, wishing she'd just let me jump.

"Nothing?" I nod, making her frown. "What about those guys at the concert?" I shrug.

"I annoy them." was my answer. It was true, there was no way it didn't. I annoyed everyone, everyone hates me, they're no different.

"You're sure?" I nod. "What makes you so sure?" I shrug. I didn't feel like talking, I just wanted to die, to jump.

"That's the way it always is." I whisper, after I realize she wasn't going to go on until I said something. She raises an eyebrow.

"Is it? Because the boy-oh what's his name? Taylor! That's it! Taylor was talking about you like you were the best person alive." I cross my free hand over my chest, turning my head fully towards her.

"What did he say?" I asked in a whisper. No one ever said that about me. I doubted that he really said that. I mean, why would he? I wasn't worth the time to talk about.

"He told me about how you had an awesome taste in music. He also said you sucked at video games. Oh and he said something along the lines of, 'I haven't known him for long, but he's an amazing friend. I love him.'" she says, smiling a bit. I shake my head. There's no way he said that. No one loves me. No one could love someone as worthless as me. No one could love a screwed-up teenager.

"Kellin?" I look down at her.

"Come sit down with me?" I look down at the water underneath me and slowly nod, stepping back onto the bridge. She smiles and lightly takes my hand, leading me off the bridge and onto a little ledge next to it, sitting down. She pats the place beside her, looking up at me and smiling. I sigh, sitting down beside her. I feel her eyes on me, but I try to keep my eyes focused on the steady stream of water running down the bank.

'She's going to try to talk you out of it,' my mind warns. ',there's no other thing she'll do. She's going to try to talk you out of it. Don't listen to what she says though. You're better off dead. Just listen to her, then go home and hang yourself. Dad won't be able to stop you or keep you alive after you do.'

"So you say you have nothing to live for?" I nod, not saying anything back. The less I talked the better. The less she knew the better.

"There absolutely nothing? What about family?" I try to blink back the tears threatening to come out.

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