Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Are you tired yet?" I ask Anna as she laid on my chest. It kinda hurt because of my broken ribs, but I didn't mind. It felt nice to have her cuddled into my side like this. She nodded then yawned. We were just finishing up, "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"

"Yea kinda. You?"  I shrug.

"Not really." I was wide awake. I'm not planing on sleeping tonight. If I do, I'll have a nightmare. I don't want to have to make Anna put up with me screaming and crying. Plus, she might think I was crazy. But, what about everything earlier? She was able to calm me down by just touching my hand. Could that work with nightmares? I wasn't sure. My nightmares can get violent and seem so real. I shake my head, not wanting to think about having nightmares.

"Hang on. I need to go splash some water on my face or make some coffee or something. Wanna keep watching Star Wars? We have other movies here. Like seriously, we have everything." I shake my head.

"Nah. Star Wars is fine." She nods and gets up, walking out of her living room. To be honest, I would rather watch something different, I loved Star Wars, but they brought up memories. Max and I would watch them all the time. I remember that, when neither of us could sleep, we'd watch them until we feel asleep. I remember he hid the whole set under our bed so dad wouldn't take them away. They're still there. I haven't messed with them since his attempt; I didn't have the heart to. He loved Star Wars. Again, I shake my head. I didn't want to think of him. Instead, I looked around Anna's living room.

It was pretty nice, way better than mine. The walls were painted a brownish color. Just like the rest of the house (that I have seen), the floor was hardwood. There were leather couches placed all around a coffee table. There was a carpet underneath it that was brown, tan, red, and any other colors really, that went with it. There were paintings of flowers all over the wall. Sitting in front of the couches, on the wall, was a giant TV. There was a cabinet underneath it full of gaming systems, movies and games. Anna walked back in, holding two coffee mugs. I smile a bit and take one.

"You didn't have to make me coffee....I don't really like it either way...." I say as she tucks her feet under her legs, leaning onto my chest again. She smiles and takes a sip of hers.

"It's not coffee; it's hot chocolate. I made it with milk. Is that okay? I mean, you're not allergic right?" I shake my head and take a tiny sip. It was really hot and burned my mouth, but I was very cold. Anna snuggled deeper into my side.

"I'm not. And thank you." She smiled up at me.

"Good. I'm glad." She paused for a moment. "Hey Kelly? Would you be okay if we watched a Disney movie or something? I wanna watch Monster's Inc." she says with a giggle. Her giggle brought a tiny smile to my face as I nodded.

"Sure. Why not?" She smiles and puts her mug on the table, running to the cabinet and taking out another movie. I watched her put it into the movie into the DVD player, running back to the couch and snuggling back into my side.

"Are you cold? I'm cold. It's like the North Pole in here. Where's Santa and the snow at? It seems like that should be here. Oh how cool would it be to have a little elf?!" she rambles out quickly. I laugh a bit at her rambling. She was so cute. She reaches over me and grabs a blanket, putting it over both of us. She grabs her mug and then snuggles deeper into my side, making me bite my tongue to keep in any cries of pain. She was laying on so many of my bruises, I didn't tell her though.; I didn't want her to find out about me cutting or dad. I didn't want to hurt her feelings in anyway either. I think I might even enjoy her snuggling up to me...

"Hey Kellin?" I look down at her, trying to get those last thoughts out of my head. She giggles a bit.

"Do you like cats or dogs?" I shrug.

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