Author's Note

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Hey guys! Long time, no see, right? cx Haha, yea, sorry about me just kinda completely giving up on writing for a while there. I don't really have a reason other than I'm lazy. I know there's a lot of people who would like it if I hurried the frick up on the sequel, so here's an update on it!

I've been working on the sequel to this book, but I only have like two parts written so far. Procrastination is a horrible thing. .-. I do have the plot kinda figured out though, so that's good. But, before I officially publish the book, I'm actually completely re writing the first book. 

I've gone back and read the book and honestly, I don't like how it turned out. There's so much pointless stuff in the book and honestly, it's confusing at some parts. I should've had a full plot set up when I wrote it but I was like eleven when I came up with the idea. Cut me some slack, I tried. Anywho, since this book isn't as epic as I thought it would be, I'm re writing the whole thing. The story has been "Under Edit" for ages and I've tried to filter out all the stupid stuff, but I just never finished it. Going through and re reading what I already wrote to find errors was hard, because this book is honestly packed full with them.

So, to sum up what I'm going to do, I'm basically writing a new book. It will be under the same title as this book, of course, and the sequel I was planning for this book will come out as a sequel for both books. It will have the same main characters in it. Though I edit out some characters, there shouldn't be any new ones. There's probably going to be a new plot line, but the book will still deal with the same issues as this one did.

I have no idea when this book will be out, but I'm hoping soon. I haven't decided if I'm going to upload it part by part or just all together. (What do you guys think I should do?) Either way, I'm hopping it will come out soon. I'm working on it as we speak. Or should I say as you read? I know a lot of people loved this book, so I will not take down this version or private it. I don't even know if we can still private things on here to be honest. :b Either way, I'm not going to do that. This book is here to stay.

Saying that, I wouldn't honestly expect things from the last book to be in the new one. I mean, things like Kellin and Anna being a thing will be in the book, but I'm not sure if Sam will ever be mentioned, if Anthony will have a thing for Kellin, if Anthony and Cody will be a couple, ect., ect.. I'll officially decide all that later. I'm just saying that because don't want any of you guys and gals to think this book will be exactly the same as the last, just with better writing. I'm hoping everything about it will be better once I'm done.

One last thing before I stop writing this note; I just want to thank you all so much! Your encouragement on this book means a lot to me. I love that you guys are actually reading and enjoying this book, especially since it's a mess and is sixty chapters long. I hope I can make you all proud with this next book.

I love each and every one of you and thank you for reading this.


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