Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"S-Sam did this? On purpose?" Taylor looks down and nods slowly.

"Yea he did it....I don't think it was on purpose though..." I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't think?" He nods and looks up at me.

"Sam...He's kinda bipolar. And he has anger issues. He was really mad when he did it and he apologized right after. He even cried. He promised he wouldn't do it again. He won't do it again I know." I sigh and shake my head, hugging him tight.

"Taylor I....Be careful please. I don't want you to get hurt." He hugs me back, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Okay Kellin."

"Was this the first time?" I whisper, afraid to hear the answer. He stays still then slowly shakes his head. I'm pretty sure I felt another piece of my heart break. I just didn't understand. How could Sam hurt someone as innocent as Taylor? He's his boyfriend! How could he find the will to even come close to hurting him? Right now, I didn't see Sam any differently than I see dad. I didn't let Taylor go until the timer went off. I didn't want to let him go though. I didn't want him to get hurt. He was too sweet, too innocent, to get hurt. Plus, what if he ends up like me? I didn't want him to be depressed and cut. He didn't deserve that. No one did. That is, except me.

"Kellin can you take this in? I have to put some makeup on. If Anth saw this...." he trails off. I know what he was thinking though. He'd never let him see Sam again. But, would that be bad? I didn't want him to get hurt again. But he seemed happy with him. I'm not sure why he'd be happy about his relationship though. Like I said, Sam was pretty much like dad now in my eyes. I didn't want Taylor to start blaming himself for the abuse. I sigh and nod, taking the bowl and walking into the living room. Anna was sitting cross legged on the couch, playing with her phone. Anthony and Cody were arguing about something. I guess Anthony was winning. Mainly because Cody looked annoyed. Plus, Cody doesn't think much. He says stuff without caring. I sit beside Anna, a bit unsure if I should, and put the bowl in my lap. She looks up at me and smiles, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. I give her a small smile in return. She puts her phone up, leaning into my side carefully. She looks up at me, leaning towards my ear.

"Answer my question later okay?" I look at her and slowly nod. I had almost forgotten about the question, but I was glad I didn't get to answer. What if she called the police? I mean, that would be good, but dad would kill me. I know that I wanted to die, but not like that. I would rather my last moments be in bliss from my razor than pain from my father. But what would happen if she wanted to see my scars? What would happen if she wanted to not only hear but see how bad he could get? I didn't want to show her, that would require me taking my shirt off. I didn't want to. I had scars from self harm to go along with dad's, I didn't want her to get concerned about me hurting myself. Maybe she'd think that dad caused them too? He did, in a way. Plus, if I did have to do that, I would probably end up crying because of how my body looked. I didn't want Anna to see any part of me she didn't have to. She'd just end up leaving me for someone who looked better. I don't even know why I said yes; she would end up leaving me for someone who not only looked better but had less problems. Taylor walks back in and sits down beside me, looking over and smirking a bit at a Anna. I looked over at her as she giggles. Why was he smirking at her? That made no sense. I just shrugged it off, hoping it wasn't anything I should be worried about. Taylor sits down beside me and cuddles into my side too. I didn't really mind though, I was used to him doing that.

"So we're watching Batman?" Taylor asks as Anna presses a few buttons on a remote. She nods, hitting play.

"Yeppers. That fine with you?" Taylor giggles and nods, moving closer to me and grabbing some popcorn from the bowl. Cody looks over us and smirks, winking at me. I raise my eyebrow at him. He just shrugs.

"Pass me the popcorn?" he asks. Taylor takes the bowl and hands it to him, quickly climbing into my lap after he does. He snuggles deep into me, putting his head under my chin. He giggles a bit, looking up at me. He grabs my hands, making me rap my arms around him. I didn't resist and let him, not sure what he was doing. Anna looks at me a pouts, moving one of my arms so its around her and snuggling deeper into my side. This whole thing was making me uncomfortable. They were both snuggling into me and were touching my cuts and bruises. It was causing a lot of pain, but, really, that's what I needed. What Taylor had told me was stuck in my mind. The pain was making those thought slowly go away. It was silent for most of the movie, which I wasn't really paying attention to, until Cody breaks it.

"See this is what I mean. Batman is stupid." Anthony rolls his eyes.

"No he's not. Batman is awesome." Cody rolls his eyes.

"No he's not. You're just stupid. Superman is way better." Taylor rolls his eyes and sighs.

"No you're both stupid. Spiderman is better." Cody gasps and looks at him.

"No. Just no. Don't even go there child. Spiderman is by no means better than Superman." Taylor scoffs.

"Peasant please." Cody's eye widen as he laughs.

"Dude did you just call me a peasant?" Anthony covers Cody's mouth.

"Shhh I like this part..." he trials off, whispering and staring at the TV. Cody rolls his eyes and moves Anthony's hand, looking up at him. Taylor giggles a bit and snuggles deeper into me. I look down at Anna and see her looking up at me, smiling. I try to smile a bit at her and she moves closer to me, leaning up and kissing me. She lets her lips linger on mine for a few moments, then leans back and puts her head on my shoulder. She takes my hand from her arm and holds it in one of hers, playing with my fingers. I sigh a bit, looking at her.

Why did she even like me?

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