25. Toxic

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So soon after watching her get inside, Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief then gazed back at Jimin to see him still standing where he was. He approached him, carefully pacing towards the man that was looking away from him, arms crossed. Since Jungkook knew Jimin very well, he knew what exactly meant when Jimin would fold his arms like that: Frustrated, angry or even disappointed. Jungkook felt really nervous but he was brave enough to call out Jimin's name again. Believing Jimin won't walk away from him.


Slow careful steps until he stood behind him. Jimin could feel it, even in his body he could feel Jungkook close to his skin but he didn't turn around. It wasn't because he was almost in tears again to hear Jungkook's voice calling out his name with a whisper but to look at Jungkook, meant to inhale his cologne and feel like hugging him and Jimin didn't want to feel that weak already.

"Jimin.." Jungkook called with a delicate whisper again that made Jimin close his eyes and tightened his arms around himself just a little. His head wanted to fight the desire of wanting to look at Jungkook but the more he tried he weaker he felt. He knew he badly wanted to capture Jungkook's gaze but it was almost like Jimin was going to break down. But the truth was that Jimin didn't know what to do or how to react, specially when he was still so exhausted.


"What the hell is Wrong with you Yoongi?!" Seeing the broken vase on the ground, made Hoseok yell at the other. "You act as if I'm dead!!"

Yoongi's eyes were a little red and over his cheeks there were few tears could be seen. Yoongi was a little embarrassed to act so childish and sent a message like that to Hoseok making him this angry at him but that didn't make him regret doing it.

"I was so excited for tonight.."

"Oh for goodness sake, Yoongi," Hoseok snorted in frustration and loosened his tie. "Act mature for once!!"

Hoseok's reactions made Yoongi feel like it was his fault when Hoseok broke the promise. He frowned because did Hoseok try to put the blame on him?

"You broke your promise.." yoongi spoke under the breathe and gave Hoseok a dark glare that silenced the other. Because the older man did really broke the promise and he knew he did.

Hoseok's gaze fell on the table behind Yoongi. Noticing the cans of beers, popcorn and even cookies. So quick he felt bad, really bad suddenly for yelling at the other just right after stepping inside his house. Yoongi must have been so excited about it and now he was trying to yell at him. And that settled Hoseok's anger down.

"I.. I didn't mean to do so. I really needed to go Yoongi.."

"Oh? Of course because Jimin asked you." Yoongi exclaimed sarcastically then turned around to walk away, making Hoseok follow him, "Of course you can't say no but me? You wouldn't even answer my messages if i didn't call you Hoseok."

"I know.. Please, I'm sorry. Right it's my fault. but.. didn't you want to watch a movie? I'm here. Let's do it, hm?"

"Forget about it. You already ruined it."

"It's just ten pm,"

Desperately he tired to make Yoongi satisfied because he now was aware he hurt him. But Yoongi turned around swiftly and continued to sulk.

"Why do you think i just wanted to watch a movie huh? I wanted to spend time with you. Feel happy to have you all for myself. For at least one single night! But i think you like the idea of being around famous people more."

Hoseok fell silent again but this time, he didn't want to explain further to continue arguing. But he couldn't deny he felt worse. To be in love with his brother's boyfriend. Even if Yoongi adored him too, Jaewon's feelings were more important than his own. But neither he could see Yoongi sad and disappointed like that. He could feel that hurt him too. He loved the man deeper than he thought he did, he never realized the more he stare at him the more he fell for him and It was obsoletely out of his control.

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