31. Mirror reflection

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After couple of days, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi were out together. Jimin didn't just want to comply with Yoongi's request for meeting him but he actually was excited to get to know him in person.

Of all the things he heard about Jaewon's boyfriend from Hoseok, the designer had the right to be curious. And meeting in a grill restaurant was actually a fun idea from his best friend.

They seated at a table for four. Jimin sitting across from Hoseok and Yoongi. Eating pork belly from the grill at the centre of their table. They ate, as they chatted about alot of interesting stuff: Jimin and his career, how he became famous and popular and other stuff Yoongi wanted to know.

When the topic changed to be about how Jimin and Hoseok met and became this close. Recalling and sharing their memories, Jimin was able to notice an odd look crossing Yoongi's face every few minutes in between his smiles. And it was strange.

He thought Yoongi was just studying him since Hoseok mentioned more than once, how Yoongi was curious about him. But in fact, the topic provoked Jealousy in Yoongi more than usual and Hoseok soon could sense it.

Who wouldn't be Jealous of him.

But it wasn't because of his beauty or fame. Jimin was perfect, right. Flawless and so pretty. But Yoongi's reasoning to be jealous was something else: Jimin and Hoseok's deep bond. Them telling him they're like soulmates and more.

However, eventually when they seemed to be full and were done eating, Hoseok poured soju in Yoongi's glass and smiled at him softly. "Take a shot."

Yoongi chuckled and took a look at Jimin. "Won't you drink, Jimin?"

"I can't drink." Refused the man and shook his head slightly, "I'm avoiding it. And who will drive me back home if I'm wasted? I don't have a driver."

"Oh come on. I don't want to be the only one gone here."

"Hey hey hey." Hoseok said. "I didn't allow you to get drunk. And it's getting late, we'll be home soon."

"You're not the one making rules tonight Hoseok." Yoongi teased and listened to Jimin chuckle.

"Hoseok is right though. You don't want to have a hangover Tomorrow at college." Jimin heared Yoongi scoff and drank the glass in one shot.


She didn't want to look broken like how inside of her felt.

Yet, feeling comfortable in her own silence, in Jungkook's room finally, after such long days not being able to see him but now, looking excited that even her eyes had a gleam as she waited for him to arrive home from work, even though she was getting impatient to see him since he was late to be home and Joohyun didn't know the reasons.

Maybe he was still at the office though.

She had no idea. But since she made it here just to see him, she decided wait for him no matter how long she had to.

She just wanted to see him. And that's all. Missing him had her feeling so noxious since day one.

After roaming around the room, lost in a series of pleasant thoughts about Jungkook that made her smile so wide to herself, exactly just like an obsessed fangirl, Joohyun sat on the chair in front of the mirror and there she looked at the reflection.

Looking hot. As she managed to be. Wearing a short white robe dress and nothing underneath but underwear. Simple accessories, and a strong feminine fragrance that filled the whole room and probably even the area outside of it. She used her hand to move her long black hair to the side and let it fall on her shoulder then put on a smile to the image in the mirror. Even if that smile was fake because she knew,

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