33. Precious

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The next morning was unpleasant for Hoseok. It felt exhausting already since he was feeling completely down and not in the mood; frustrated for some reasons. He only wished he could go back to bed and sleep this sickening feelings away instead of going to work and deal with anyone at the workplace.

After last night, Hoseok couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and he'd be lying to say he didn't cry while calling Jimin for hours last night but Jimin actually never picked up. Even though Hoseok knew so well that he should not try and interact with Jimin whenever he's irritated, yet, couldn't help but feel even guiltier and worried actually.

On the other hand, he was disappointed. The last thing he expected from Yoongi was to be rude to his best friend like that and disappointed for the reason he himself couldn't utter any word to defend Jimin. And what was actually worse, was that Hoseok trusted Yoongi with Jimin's relationship issues and thought he was understanding just like Jaewon. But he was damn wrong!

Oh right, he doesn't even know Yoongi damn well enough so how could he expect that? What is Jimin thinking about his best friend now anyway? That he isn't a secret keeper? Those thoughts were triggering that Hoseok couldn't think a second of Yoongi without hating him.

But now there was no turning back from the fact he fell for Yoongi who is his brother's lover. Yet, not so late to forget about him and move on. And that wasn't all. Hoseok thought about it. He didn't want Jaewon continue his relationship with Yoongi either. But even that won't end up well for any one of them. Specially him because then Yoongi would definitely spill the truth to Jaewon.

Hoseok let out a quiet huff and continued to slowly sip tea of the cup. He wished he could take the time back and think as a mature person before all this.

The sound of a door pulling open snapped Hoseok out of his endless thoughts. The triggered man looked up, his eyes met with Jaewon's big smile, and that just instantly reminded Hoseok how precious his brother was every time. Looking at him dressing all nice for college today, being always on time. Why a man like him would deserve an asshole like Yoongi?

"Good morning hyeong." Jaewon said and sat down at the table across from his brother before he looked at the food and reached for the glass teapot to pour some tea in his cup.

"Good morning." Hoseok replied, giving Jaewon a short slight smile and sipped his tea while Jaewon reached for a toast, smiling at it since he knew his brother must bought them in the early morning for him,

"I could finish all the assignments last night before the mednight and only then i was able to sleep," The younger brother mentioned as he began to spread butter over the warm toast using the knife, "That's why i was sleeping when you got home."

"Yeah; Jimin actually felt upset when you weren't with me. He said he misses you."

Jaewon suppressed a giggle "I had to. I don't want to be overwhelmed later, and studies aren't close to easy. Specially for the next week. I can imagine. But I'm doing my best." , "I want to make you proud of me." Jaewon mentioned and Hoseok's jaw slowed down chewing his food to that. That made him want to smile so suddenly through all the frustration inside of him but he dropped his head. Oh, that just made him even guilter instead.

Hoseok exhaled and Jaewon caught into that reaction immediately. He studied him for a short moment as he ate and started to wonder if he said something wrong or-

No; no of course he couldn't have. But what was wrong?

"Hyeongje?" He called, "You look a little bit down this morning. Is it about work again?"

Hoseok raised his head to that and opened his mouth but however nothing came out. There he rested his elbow over the table and scratched the back of his neck a little. "I don't know. I woke up feeling down today i guess. But don't worry. It'll be alright so soon,"

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