42. I'll make it worth it

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Warning! This chapter consists smut.

Jimin let out a little gasp entering Jungkook's room and his eyes widened to the sight of the opened windows and the fresh cold breeze dashing inside, suddenly touching the warmth of his cheeks.

"Jungkook, the room is so cold! How could you be so careless to leave the windows open like that?" The young designer carefully complained, noticing the paperwork Jungkook left earlier over the nightstand table. He walked towards the windows as he shrugged off his coat, sliding it off and closed the windows, drawing the curtains close.

"Huh?" Jimin asked and turned around, sliding the coat down to his wrists and grabbing it after taking it off as he watched Jungkook slowly approach and stand in front of him, shrugging while the soft tiny smile never left his face, making Jimin want to just continue smiling.

The designer placed his coat down on the bed, not breaking his eye contact with Jungkook's heart eyes then with his hand reached Jungkook's, holding it drawing him closer. He lifted himself a little, enough to reach Jungkook's face and kissed him over his lips as his warm thumb brushed over his hand knuckles.

"I love you." Jimin's face engaged in a smile that created little wrinkles around his eyes as he felt the warmth of color invading his cheeks, he glided his other hand up to Jungkook's cheek, caressing it. "So much."

Jungkook's smile warmed his eyes, unable to bring words out of his mouth to form a sentence expressing his feelings. But he only admired, feeling lucky each second. "I love you too baby."

The men woke to the bright sunlight shining through the window. The sun that rose bright and fair, and the sky cloudless.

Jungkook woke up earlier than Jimin did and prepared breakfast. Honestly, after such long hard times, Jungkook felt good to open his eyes to the world. He was feeling himself a total new person.

The person he loved,

and the man he was proud to be.

There was no greater joy for Jungkook now. The world seemed to be a beautiful place. He was simply feeling complete and now there was nothing that could stop him from being a happy proud man.

Now that he got his man back, by his side, Jungkook could really not feel happier than he did. And everytime, Just everytime his eyes focused on Jimin's, peace could be found over his features.

After breakfast however, Jungkook showered, and currently he stood before the window in his nothing but underwear. Holding his white casual shirt in his hands as he looked outside at the sun that streamed into his window and shined on his face.

Oh, he felt alive. Jungkook admired a moment the fresh looking of the outside's view smiling to himself. Everything looked beautiful in his eyes that lightened to the sunlight.

And it was his heaven; waking up to Jimin's sweet scent on his neck as he slept the night snuggling to him while his face was right on his chest and Jimin held him close there. Nothing was better. Nothing even could be better than being in the arms of the person you love and you missed. Jungkook admitted so he smiled a little more and slid his arms into the shirt to wear it.

At that very second, Jimin unlocked the bathroom's door and Jungkook looked to the side to see him coming out after washing up, carefully observing his face that was now softer and bare. Jungkook admired him for the hundred time now and still smiled as he started to fix the sleeves of the shirt.

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