39. My only family

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In the evening that day, Jimin stood at the stove in his kitchen, cooking something he found simple to put together.

The man wore a white oversized sweaters and shorts; his left hand rested on his side and with his other hand he was holding a big spoon and watched the diced yellow onion he added to the skillet continued to sauté.

A chilling smile to his lips, with random thoughts crossing his head simultaneously as he was making a concentrated effort into the food he cooked, wanting it to taste exactly the way it should do.

Not for himself; but his partner that came visiting him and currently sleeping. So of course he hoped to end up cooking something very delicious, and not to impress him. But to see him enjoy a meal after a hard day at work.

Not so long after Jimin added the pasta, and the other ingredients needed, he heard footsteps walking down the stairs and turned his head to the left side. He immediately smiled once kim Taehyung appeared in - wearing nothing but shorts and the designer's sandals that were a little small on his feet.

At the sight of the model approaching him like that and his cute features after an hour nap, Jimin giggled and before he could react, Taehyung stood behind him. Just there Jimin made no single move but lower his head to see the way Taehyung's arms made their way slowly around his waist and hugged his tummy.

The designer smiled and rested his palms on Taehyung's arms, allowing the other back hug him and gently rub his nose to the side of his neck trying to nuzzle his face there a second. Taehyung groaned a little then rested his head onto Jimin's shoulder with a sweet smile.

"It's so beautiful to wake up to your scent.."

Jimin only smiled more and leaned his back a little on Taehyung. "Was my room too hot for you?"

Taehyung shook his head slight bit. "I'm just more comfortable without a shirt when I'm sleeping."

"Aren't you cold then?"

The model's face was bare and his blonde hair was fluffy. But he didn't make a slight effort fix it the moment he woke up. The first thing he felt like he needed was Jimin. But he couldn't lie to himself and say he wasn't cold at all. But instead of confessing it, he tightened his arms around Jimin, pressing his torso against his warm sweaters.

"Now I'm warm.." He whispered with a raspy yet gentle tone and moved his head further enough to press a small kiss on Jimin's neck, then kiss him over the shoulder, making the other a little shy.

"How did you sleep?" Jimin spoke softly, not moving but just feeling Taehyung's body against him and his arms that hugged his abdomen gently. "I could tell you were really tired."

"I couldn't help but fall asleep on your hand caressing me," Taehyung whispered then he opened his eyes, inhaling in the nice smell of the food Jimin cooked.

"What are you making?"

"Chicken pasta.." Mentioned the older, smiling, "I just thought you'd be hungry after waking up since you mentioned how busy you were, so i cooked dinner at this hour. For you."

Taehyung looked at what's inside the skillet boiling, right from above Jimin's tiny shoulder, "It's going to be absolutely delicious, since you're making it."

"I didn't know you're chessy too?"

"It's not like thaaat!~" Taehyung whined with a smile. "It's because, you're warm right now. Your hands feeling so soft and your scent.. You're making me feel comfy. And the fact you're cooking for me and taking care of me.. is making my heart flutter.."

"Mr. Kim, I don't remember giving you the permission making me fall for you," Jimin joked, feeling the warmth of color invading his cheeks.

Taehyung only chuckled and shrugged shortly after. He pulled back taking a deep breath and moved towards the fridge, "I'm adorable." He replied and both giggled for a good moment.

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