Chapter 30

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I sighed as soon as I got home. I was beyond exhausted. This whole dinner was one huge stressful event. I just wish I could make things right with Eric but someone has to make the first move and at the moment no one seems to want to budge.

I headed up to my room to change out of my uncomfortable clothes. On the way up I passed through the kitchen hearing chattering coming from the dining room table.

"Charlee is that you?" I heard my brother's familiar voice call out.

"Yeah, I just got back," I responded walking into the kitchen. My brother and aunt were sitting at the table eating dinner and talking.

"Hey kiddo, what were you up to?" My aunt asked and I smiled.

"Nothing much, just went out to eat with some friends," I told her and she nodded her head.

"That sounds good sweetie,"

"Alright well I'm tired so I'm going to go sleep now," I told her.

"Actually, can you come back down after getting changed? We really need to talk to you," my brother interjected and I fought the urge to groan.

"Fine," I sighed. I really just want to crawl into bed and sleep forever right now but it's probably important if both my brother and aunt want to talk to me.

I took off my annoying clothes and sighed out loud in relief when I put on my sweats and a t-shirt.

I looked down confused noticing that the shirt was rather large on me, reaching right above my knees. Damn it this is one of Eric's shirts.

I would've taken it off to make a point to myself of how mad I was but I didn't. The shirt was so comfortable and it smelled like him. It's weird I know, but he has a nice smell.

I remember when I first wore his letterman jacket that one time a long time ago it smelled like him. Not that sweaty teenage boy smell but like some sort of mixture between cologne and soap. I hate him for smelling so nice. If he smelled gross it would be much easier for me to hate him.

I tossed aside my dirty clothes to pick it up later and made my way back downstairs.

"So, what's up?" I asked awkwardly interrupting a conversation they were having.

"Yes well first of all, I think you'll be glad to hear that you and I are invited to have dinner at Mr. Alex Kingsley's house tomorrow night. He's the head of Interpol and he's very impressed with our work," my aunt commented.

"He's impressed? How could he? We haven't done anything to solve the case and we haven't found Kozlov either,"

"He's impressed that a group of teenagers are so dedicated and willing to risk their lives for a greater good. Don't beat yourself up over one case. There will be plenty more," she reassured me and I smiled grateful for her understanding.

"Ok the other important thing is that your parents are coming over next week," my brother announced happily and I had to force a smile onto my face.

It's not that I don't love my parents. I love them to death and looked up to them. That's the problem though. I can never live up to their shadow. They've done so much as spies and what have I managed to do so far?

Reach a dead end on my first case and get my heart broken. They wouldn't exactly be proud. I'm not proud myself.

"When are they coming?" I asked George.

"Sometime next week, probably Friday," he replied shrugging his shoulders. Ok that means I have a little over a week to prove to my parents that I'm not a complete disappointment.

"Is that it?" I asked anxious to get back to my room.

"Yeah just don't forget that the dinner is tomorrow so wear something nice," my aunt reminded me and I nodded my head happy to leave.

Up in my room I got under my covers and turned on my tv to a random channel not wanting to be left alone to only my thoughts.

An episode of the Supernatural was on which didn't surprise me. Even if you don't know about the Supernatural... You know about the Supernatural. Their fandom is everywhere on tumblr.

I turned the volume down paying attention to the show every once in a while. I wanted to fall asleep but I couldn't. My stomach was grumbling furiously since all I had for dinner was rabbit food.

After another round of dying whale noises on my stomach's behalf I finally gave up and walked down to the kitchen for a little midnight snack.

I was scavenging the kitchen for something to eat but the fridge was deserted. I was digging around in the cabinets when someone cleared their throat behind me.

"What's bothering you Charlee?" My brother asked me.

"What do you mean? I'm fine, just hungry," I told him and continued my quest for food.

"Don't lie to a profiler, I know your tell," Georgie smirked. Damn it, I was sure I kept a straight face this time.

"Nothing is wrong, I just didn't get enough to eat at dinner," I reassured him which wasn't a lie.

"You always get midnight snacks when you're stressed about something, so tell me what's bothering you,"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now," I muttered as I found some old pop tarts.

"Alright but if you want to talk, you know you can tell me anything. And just as a quick reminder, I can make his death look like an accident if you want me to," he winked.


"Eric, who you're obviously stressing about," my brother laughed as he headed back to his room.

"I'm that obvious," I muttered angrily to myself as I munched on the gross pop tart. I heard a noise that sounded like a knock at the front door and I got worried.

It was nearly one in the morning now, who would even be here? I hesitated at first but then decided that I could just shove my half eaten expired pop tart down any intruders throat and it would be basically equivalent to death.

I cautiously opened the door with my pop tart menacingly pointed at the door. I then realized that no one was outside and I was probably just going insane.

I was about to close the door when I noticed a small white box on the porch. I picked it up and closed the door behind me.

I glanced at the box and saw there was writing on it. I didn't have to be a spy to recognize who's hand writing it was. I sighed as I began to read it.

I've screwed up majorly and I know pie won't fix our relationship but it can't make it worse, Charlee I swear I'll make things right. One slice of pie at a time.

Oh god, only Eric would know that the way to my heart is pie. Ugh why is this boy so infuriating one second and so cute the next??

I muttered a few more selective words as I carried my pie back upstairs so I could sulk some more.


so what do you guys think? should Charlee forgive Eric or just go with Jacob?? And what about Helena? Is she really who she says she is?

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