Chapter 21

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Even though we were on winter break, my aunt gave us the key to the school so we could still access our lab area. I wanted to head down there and check on any progress made on the chip. Amber had to leave to go with her family on vacation somewhere but she handed the chip to Brooke who was obviously informed of what happened and just like everyone else she was kind of mad at me for heading off to Hawaii by my self.

"Hey Brooke, any news on the chip?" I asked her once I entered our underground training pad followed by Eric.

"Not yet, I had to send it out to one of my friends to check it out because we couldn't find anything here," Brooke explained and by the tone in which she said friend I'm assuming its not one of her good for nothing cheerleader buddies who she's 'friends' with here at school.

"Anything you need me to do?" I asked desperate to help out in some way. If there's something I'm not very good at, it's standing by and twidiling my thumbs waiting for something to happen.

"Hmm not yet. I'll let you know if I need something," she told me and I nodded my head disapointed. Well I gues now would be a good time to catch up on some of those files I've been neglecting. I headed down to my office and grabbed the small stack of files where I had information on all of the subjects in the Callahan mission stored.

I had already looked through Jacob's file and Mr. Callahan too. There were a few other profiles in there of minor suspects we had drawn out but none had enough information to link them to Mr. Callahan. Maybe I need to take a closer look.

I reread Jacob's profile information but there wasn't anything usefull on there that I didn't already know. I picked up Mr. Callahan's profile instead. As I began reading through it I noticed the oil company he used to own was listed there. I typed the name up on a Google to see what would come up and it led me to a website online. There wasn't much information on there that we didn't already know but one thing did catch my eye. The company used to be a three way owned business but someone was kicked out of the company or quit or god knows what and it turned into a two way owned business.

Ok we knew that already so that wasn't out of place. The person who left the company was Mr. Callahan right? Well that's what I thought but when I looked under the copyright and owners name Mr. Callahan was still there along with another guy by the name of Mr. Saab. So does this mean Mr. Callahan is still involved in the oil company? This is really confusing.

Instead of hurting my brain over, I printed out the paper and decided to give it to Brooke. Something was not adding up...

"According to this website the official owners are Mr. Callahan and a certain Mr. Saab," Brooke nodded her head reading the paper.

"Well then all those calls to the middle east are perfectly normal business calls and there is nothing to worry about. We can close this mission and move on," Palma said and the rest of the girls who had just recently joined us nodded their heads.

"Not so fast, we began this mission because according to someone in Interpol, Callahan had quit the oil industries to begin Linea Acardi and that was suspicious," Brooke shook her head.

"Well they made a mistake, it's obvious now that Callahan was not the one who quit and as for Linea Acardi, it must just be another way to make more money," Eric suggested.

"Something still isn't adding up. The calls we have intercepted are not in the same area where the oil companies are. Someone was looking for something in Mr. Callahans room that night in Hawaii and all those terrorist notes sent to Linea Acardi aren't adding up either," Brooke told us getting me more confused by the minute.

"Terrorist notes?" I asked confused.

"The weekend you were gone in Hawaii, there were threatning notes sent to Linea Acardi, we don't know who it was from but they weren't exactly the friendliest notes per say,"

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