Chapter 35 pt. 1

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"You know when you said you had other things to do I didn't think you meant Eric," he stated with his arms crossed. He looked alarmingly calm. He's one of those scary calm people when he's mad. Those are the worse. I'd rather have him scream at me and get it over with. 

"Jacob I'm sorry," I told him getting up from my bed. 

"Sorry? That's it? You're not going to say 'it's not what it looks like' or 'I swear I can explain it'? Like you aren't even going to try to pretend this was a mistake and you didn't mean to make out with him?" Jacob asked incredulously. 

"No Jacob, I shouldn't have brought you into this mess. I knew Eric before I knew you. I'm sorry for leading you on for so long. I shouldnt have," I told him honestly. It's not something I do, I had to date him because it was part of the mission. 

Everything after Oahu happened because I was using him in some way. Whether it was to get closer to his dad or to make Eric jealous. I used Jacob and I'm honesly sorry. I should've done it some other way but what's done is done now.

"No I'm sorry. I should've known something was going on between you two. Well to be fair I did know but I thought I was a better guy than Eric because I had much more to give you. I guess I was wrong," he said and began to turn around. 

"Oh I came back to give you your jacket. You left it at Linea Acardi," he said quietly as he set down my jacket on my desk and turned around. 

"I screwed that one up badly didn't I?" I muttered to myself as soon as Jacob left. Today was just one horrible, shitty day. 

"You didn't mean for him to find out this way, and not that I'm complaining but at least its one less thing  to worry about," 

"That's not really helping right now," I sighed. 

"We can talk about this later, right now I think we need to head downstairs with the rest of the girls," Eric said changing the topic. I really didn't feel like getting up and facing more people. I felt extremely guilty but of course my guilt can wait for later when this mission is over. Preferably over a carton of ice cream. I have yet to encounter a dilemma that can not be solved over Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

"Alright lets go. I wonder if the girls have come up with any ideas," I say as we walk cautiously down stairs. The girls were all seated around the dining room table discussing things in low whispers, as if Kingsley-or whoever he is- could hear us. 

"Charlee, I uh heard Jacob talking to you. I'm sorry I should've given you a heads up or something," Blaire apologized upon seeing Eric and I enter the dining room. 

"It's ok Blaire. It wasn't your fault anyways," I waved her off. 

"But it was partially my idea for you to date him so that we could get closer to Callahan therefore its partially my fault," she smiled sadly. 

"Blaire, right now we have more to deal with than Jacob. He can be dealt with later, right now we need to come up with a plan to break into Mr. Kingsley's house," I told her firmly. We couldn't dwell on the problems with Jacob when Amber and Brooke were in danger. 

"Well we had a few ideas. Even though I still don't really like the prospect of us breaking into the head of Interpol's home, if this is our only shot then we've got to try," Tiffany sighed. 

"Alright, what's the plan?" I asked both anxious with worry and anticipation. 

"Before Amber and Brooke left for Saudi Arabia, they were teaching me a few hacking tips. Nothing super secretive but they did give me this decoding device that should be able to hack most security systems," Tiffany began and I nodded my head, urging her to continue. 

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