~Chapter 21: Invitation To Masquarde Ball~

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Hey SugaryTeddies,

so I'm piss that I had a written chapter and I accidentally logged out which this stupid WattPad decided

"Hey, she log out, guessing she doesn't needed this chapter anymore, oh well!" **Deletes**

I'm like mad now, so sorry about the LOOOONNNNGGGG UUPPDDDATTTE!

So Keep It Swe-- oh wait!

I cut my hair and it's up to mid-shoulder and I dyed it....again, to ombré....again. Yeah I dyed my hair
Like 4 or 5 times.


Keep It Sweet!

-SugarTeddyBear ❥

"Well no clues what's so ever", Shelby said, we got out of our car. We sighed, after we talked to the manager, we went back to the water pipe line but no luck, there was no vampires hiding out.

"I need to find them before something bad happen and it'll be all my fault for them to be suck into this", I sighed, I lean against my door and hit my head back.

"We will find them, don't worry Nina", Jessie patted my shoulder.

"Thanks girls, anyways I need to take a nap, all this stress is like weight on my shoulders", I turn and saw a purple flier.

"What's that?", Lacey asked.

"It's one of those fliers that rich people put on our doors", I snatch it off the for and read it.

"Masquerade Ball at Sunset Street Blv 3437, Saturday Night at 8:30-12 am, bring a mask and dance the night away and when it hits 12 reveal yourself", I read, "it's probably the Matthews, they always host every ball party every Saturday night each month"

As I was just about to crumple the flier, Shelby stopped me. "Wait, there something written on the back"

I turn it over and saw in black sharpie, 'Come Little Nina, let's meet face to face if you want to meet your precious little family..-Leader V'

I gripped onto the paper, my wolf was about to pop out if I keep clenching my fist hard. "We need to go, I need to meet him face to face, cause I'm so done getting my love ones in trouble"

"How? Vampires can sense werewolves miles away?", Lacey asked.

"I made a werewolf scent dissimulator, it distinguish your sent so no vampire can't scent you", Shelby said.

"Perfect, looks like we're going dress shopping tomorrow", Jessie said.

I widen my eyes, they looked at me weirdly, but Shelby caught on. "Ah! I see, I'm guessing you haven't gone dress prom/masquerade shopping before", I nodded.

"Yeah because I stay inside the orphan house rather then paying a ticket to go to a dance that involves buying a dress that you never wear ever again?", I said.

"Well, looks like you have to change that cause we're going dress shopping tomorrow", Lacey smirked, she put her arms around my shoulder, I filled and felt goosebumps running down my shoulders.

Why do I get a feeling that this going to take a long time?

::Next Day::


It's been hours that we'd been walking around for minutes and hours and my feet is freaking gaining blisters!

"I'm tired Jess, when are we going to go home", I complained.

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