~Chapter 12: They Finally Know What I Am~

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Hey Hey SugaryTeddies!

So! I've been begging for my mom for a nose piercing, and she still not sure. I mean I only want a small nose piercing, like a stud or a hoop nose piercing, like a cute piercing and stuff. Anyways.

Keep It Sweet!

"Okay! Nick got the tent!", Eden said.

"Yes dear I got the tent", he chuckled.

"Aj, Jace, I hope you brought the cooler", They nodded.

"And of course me and Nina have the chairs!", she smiled.

It's a weekend and I won't have to go to school on Monday. So Eden decided to set up a family trip this weekend. It's only been two weeks since the incident at the hospital. My birthday is only three weeks away and I can't wait.

We're staying by a near by woods but it's on the hill. I'm pretty sure there no rouges or any sort of wolves around near by a territory, but just in case I volunteer to get the fire woods in the afternoon. They were against it but I manage to get them to accept it.

We set up and everything, "alright, now I'm going to get some fire wood, be right back", I was about to leave till Eden stop me.

"Wait...let Aj and Jace go with you". she suggested.

"No it's fine, I will be back and be safe I promise", I said, she sighed and nodded.

I walked away and collected thick wood branches that falls from the trees. I pick each branch up. Till I heard branches crunching. I snap my head back and saw nothing.

I shook my head and pick up each branches and come back and set them down. I looked and saw the tent ready, and chairs set up.

"Alright! Now Nick you go start the fire, you guys go unpack in your tents", I nodded and walked to my tent. I unpack my sleeping bag and sighed.

It's good to be outdoors, I walked out and saw everybody sitting down around the campfire. It was already noon and almost getting dark. I mean we did came here at 5:00 pm.

"Now, we got the fire let's start with a song", Eden grabbed out her guitar and started strumming a cord.

"Mom always does this, she sing a line, and the next person tries to complete another line by saying another sentence. And we kept doing this till it gets weird", Aj said. I smiled and nodded. I grabbed a long chopstick and stab a marshmallow. I started roasting it.

"Oh woahhh, so we are sitting around the fire...", Eden started off.

"Sitting all around together....", Nick sang.

"Just sitting and singing with each other", Jace added on.

"And sitting with my mother and father, also my brother and sister...", Aj added, as everybody look at me.

I think for a moment and snag, "being a one big happy family, who only brings out happiness inside me...", I was a good singer, I was told I am, they compare my voice with ariana grande and Perrie Edwards, but mostly they compare it to Christina Perri.

They smiled and Eden started strumming the cords, "and this is the campfire family song, that we all sing along", they sang together.

I looked at the fire it was dying quite a bit, and somehow I didn't grab enough fire wood.

"Well I'm going to get more wood", I grabbed a flashlight, even though my vision is perfect at night, cause I can just use my wolf vision, but I rather take it.

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