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Hey you readers!

So occasionally I didn't plan this quick chapter at all, in fact I was drinking a smoothie till I have one of my dance friends from my team and texted me told me she read my book which I knew she had a account in wattpad but I never told her about my account, but I did told her about my book.

So I was like really? That's great, what do you think.
And being the poop head she is every time, she told me. "It suck and You should stick to write a book about cookies" -_-

Any who, but I knew she was just joking, so she started asking me all these questions about why do I want the book and I told her (in a joking way) "why don't I make a chapter with all your questions and you can read it to see for yourself."

Then she told me that's a brilliant idea! And how she will ask me questions and so yeah -_-. So if you guys have any questions for me just asked them and I promise I will answer then on another chapter, but for now I'm gonna ask my friends questions that she just texted me.


How did you hear about wattpad and why did you want to create a book?

Well, I had this other reading site which always have log in bug problems and I see some Author saying 'oh this is on my wattpad' and I was so confuse on thinking what the hell is a wattpad? But yeah, I figure out it was a reading community and I joined and now I'm lovin it! ;)
(I'm also drinking a McDonald's smoothie so lol)

Anyways I create Sweeter Than Candy cause I don't know, I'm like one of those fans in the werewolf fandom and stuff and I see so much books about werewolves which got me so intrigue.

Did you plan out the Storyline of the book?

Haha no, I didn't, I just followed my mind and just continue connecting the chain. I didn't really have a storyline, as I just keep making chapters that leads up to one another. So I started from scratch.

How did you come up with Sweeter Then Candy? And also SUGARTeddyBear, SWEETER Then Candy and your motto "Keep it SWEET", why do they sound so connecting?

Haha well you kind of answer your own question but I'll explain. First question I came up with Sweeter Then Candy, cause usually the books I read that the main character doesn't really defend herself, but some do. They turn to bad ass and kickass, well basically I resemble this title to Nina, cause either way she can be badass or sweet all the time. So she the only thing that can be sweet and sour.

And the second question, before I join Wattpad as SugarTeddyBear. I didn't have a username as I already plan out the tile of the book.

So I thought of something I really like and I took a good look with Sweeter and decided that I like sugary things sometimes and I love Gummy Bears. But it didn't sound right with SugarGummyBears. As I also like something cute so I went with Teddybears, and that's how SugarTeddyBears Unite.

As for my Motto, during my freshmen year in high school I was part of the cheerleading squad (worst decision I ever made in my entire life time) I went to the camp for the summer and they (Cheerleaders teachers who help us with our stunts and everything) always have these cool sayings that we always say.

And one of them was a saying that before you leave that the leaders say: "Keep it Cool alright?" Or something like that.

As everybody (cheerleaders) said together, "Keep It Sweet! Ight!", and we snapped our fingers in a sassy way and yeah that's how I came up with my motto really.

Will there be a Trilogy of Sweeter Then Candy after you make the sequel?

I thought I already went over this? Haha lol.
So basically I think I said last time that I probably will make a Trilogy, but actually! I'm not. Cause really after the sequel there nothing to write about and I'm not writing Nina and Jax kids point of views stories. Too complicated and stuff. (A/N: Hey guys it's now October 17,2015. I made this chapter a couple month ago, so I lied actually. Turns out I am making a Trilogy)

How did you come up with Jasamina? And her nickname is Nina? Should it be Mina instead?

Well glad you ask me that dear friend. So I came up with Jasamina. At first I wanted her name to be Jasmine, but I wanted her name to Nina also. And I thought Nina can be her nickname, but there's no connection with it, so I smashed those two together forming Jasnina. And it didn't sound right so I added another 'a' between the 's' and 'n'.

Forming Jasanina, and it didn't sound right, so I changed the 'n' to 'm' and Jasamina was the name I like, and decided Nina is the nickname and I know that Mina is in the name, but it was close enough with the name.

If Jaxon is Jax full name, why do you keep on calling him Jax even though it's a shorting name?

Yes I'm fully aware that in the book I keep putting Jax well, he did say he wants to be called Jax and if Nina use his full name he would be in big trouble.

How come Jax and Nina never had a real date?
I don't know, with Amanda problems going on and vampires wanting to capture her for her power there was really no time to have one relaxing moment together when Nina is being watched and hunt down for.

How come they mated at almost the end of the chapters?

Okay I have to be honest I totally forgot about the mating process and everything cause I was mainly focus on Amanda and Nina fight. That I remembered that they (Nina and Jax) never mark each other so I have to put that in there.

Will there be a sex scene in the future? Not just for this book but in your upcoming books?

What the hell kind of of question is that?! And well I don't know. I mean if you guys are really desperate for some feels, then I guess, but I don't think so cause I'm not good writing and describing the situation and plus I'm not turning Sweeter Than Candy or any other of my upcoming books into Fifty Shades Of Grey.

Are you gonna make a book that's not about supernatural or anything?

Actually, yes I am in the making of two books that are quite normal. That is one of those Bad Boy romance while one is really fun book that I based it on people who doesn't really take a dare and that it's about these people do something fun and bold and daring.
It's also sparks up romance of you guys are willing to read another romance story.

Plus I'm taking a break off of werewolves after I finished Bitter Then Candy. So that book won't come around maybe in a few months or so. (A/N: I can't decide if I should or should not do?)

Can you tell about your lifestyle?

It's about watching Netflix while hugging a stuff Flounder or Minion or The Aiken from Toy Story and eating cookie while crying over couple on the screen, that knowing my life will be forever alone.

Where do you do your stories?

Well mostly people do them on their laptop and computer, but I don't like typing my stories on there. So I do it in my IPhone 6 really

Do you have friends (other then your amazing hot friend who is certainly have a life) on wattpad that has their own stories?

Yes, I do actually and are you sure about that? You should go check in the mirror again without making the glass shatter in pieces.

Anyways one of my friends actually do have her own story and I have to say it's pretty Darn good.

Anyways, unfortunately I ran out of time and have a place to be so, if you have any more questions please dropped them off in the comment box.


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