~Chapter 38: Welcome To the Holland/Harvard Family~

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Hey guys!!

So just in case that this may be the last chapter but depends on how the ending goes. I just wanna say thank you for reading and your guys are the best.

I doubted my book in the first place wen I published it cause I was so unsure about it. But Hank you all for taking the time to read the book and I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to ask my any questions about the book or anything.

You guys are the best! I love you! Mwahh! (Ò.Ó)/

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xoxo SugarTeddyBear

I smiled as I see the pack having a good time at the barbecue. I was with Lacey, Shelby, Dana and Jessie.

"Graduating pretty soon aye?", Jessie said as we nodded.

"Yeah time flew by really fast in school", I smiled.

"So Shelby what are you going to do after school?", I asked. She looked up and gave me a smile.

"Probably going to university, but when I graduate I'm moving here to see how you and Jax are doing. By the way? Did you guys ever completed the mating process?", She whispered the last part as I blushed.

"Erm no...but I think I'm ready tonight. Don't tell him that I said that okay?", they nodded and zipped up their lips. Garrett came behind Shelby and gave her a full on kiss as Aj came and gave a full kiss on Dana lip.

"Eew! Bro I don't want to see you smooching on my biological sister...", it's nasty to see your adopted brother kissing on your biological sister. Is that even natural?

'Well they're not related, so yes that is possible', Evan said in my mind as I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry sis, but mates are destine to be together?", he smirk and continue to make out with her. Me, Jessie and Lacey faked gagged.

Soon I felt arms being wrapped around my waist and being brought close to someone chest.

I smiled as I recognize those butterflies feeling.
"Hey baby", I smiled and turn and see Jax.

"Hey you", I reached up and kiss his perfect pink lips. He held my waist as I heard someone clear their throat which it was Jessie.

"Well if you excuse me, me and Lacey are gonna mingle somewhere that is gag free zone", I rolled my eyes and pulled apart.

"Enjoying the party so far?", he asked.

I nodded, I place my drink on the table that was next to me and grabbed Jax hand and pull Im back to the pack house.

I pulled him upstairs and walked into our room. "Babe what are we doing in here--", I cut him off by putting my lips onto him. He growled and pull me close and kiss me a little harder.

I moaned and wrap my hands around his neck, "Jax", I pulled away as I looked into his eyes it was dark and filled with lust.

"Hmm...", he hummed.

"I want to complete the mating process", he smiled and press his lips onto mine as he backed me up and we collapsed on the bed. I felt his hand rising up to my thigh that send me goosebumps. I moaned as he trail his kisses down to neck making me shiver. He growled and took off my shirt and I was left in my black lace bra.

His hands went behind my back as he unclasped it and he slid off my straps and threw my bra somewhere in room.

He looked at my chest and he growled once again, but this time his voice was deep and husky, "Mine!"

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