~Chapter 5: He's In My House~

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Hey SugaryTeddies!

Finals are coming up and I'm so nervous! Tomorrow I'm gonna die cause I'm not gonna be able to study well.

Dear lord help me!

Keep it Sweet!

I walked to the front door as I open it and peaked my head inside. "Hello? Is anybody home?", I called out.

Soon Bethany came out holding a rag, "hello Nina, welcome back home, how is the first day of school?", she asked.

"Pretty well, where's Eden and Nick?", I asked.

"They're at work, but I made you some eggs and bacon if you want to eat", I nodded.

"Just let me go change real quick", I run up the stairs. "And oh! Is my room done yet?", I asked.

"Yeah, I think you're gonna love it", she smiled. I walked down the hallway and open my door which now have black sparkly drapes on my doorframe. I open the door and walked inside looking at the new and improve room. (Image of half her bedroom looks like is above)

My jaw dropped in amazement as my walls were now painted with black and white and on the black painted walls is a painted white tree. White cabinets were put up beside it and above it it have times pictures of me and Shelby, me and Katy, and some other photos.

I smiled as I saw a big painting that I've painted back in 9th grade where I hade this dream about a women who looks like me so I painted her face. I looked at the side of my bed and saw this red sculpture.

I looked at the other side of the room and my curtains have black drapes for my balcony door. On the walls have multiple of photos of myself on a wall where lights were hanging above the wall. The light looks like Christmas lights with its, blue, red, green, orange, and white lights.

On one side have my plasma TV and a coffee table with a black couch and hot pink Debra prints pillows.

I walked to my walked-in-closet and saw my clothes that I bought from the mall yesterday and my shoes in a rack.

I took off my denim jacket and hang it, I walked to my wardrobe and grab out a tank top, and white shorts. I pulled my hair up into a bun. I pulled off my uniform and put on my clothing's.

I hanged my uniform and walked out my room. I'm thinking of making a sign of my name later, wanting to be creative so I will do it later.

I hurried downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. Frank came in and saw me, "Nina, do you want to eat the eggs and bacon that Bethany made earlier?", he asked.

I shook my head, "no thank you Frank, I'm gonna go out for a run for a bit then I will come back and eat it", He nodded as he walked out of the kitchen. I checked to see he's fully out as I hurried outside and open the backyard door.

I walked over to the fence and open the hatch. I walked out closing the fence as I walked into the woods.
I hid behind a tree and began dropping my tank-top and shorts off. I slipped off my bra and underwear and took off my flip-flops. I closed my eye and focus on my wolf.

I felt my bone cracking and little fibers of fur popped out of skin. My eyes shift into its yellow eyes and soon I was a brown fur wolf with black paws. I'm pretty strong in my human and wolf form, since wolves have the stronger ability of strengths and power.

I've been working out at the gym a bit and go learn some martial arts moves in the woods. Punching trees, attacking trees in wolf form. I'm a lone wolf and I trained myself how to fight and defend.

I started running through the woods, feeling the wind that brush my fur. I relax to the birds chirping, and I hopped over a log. I raise my head feeling the wind that brush through my ear tips.

I run closer, till I got a familiar scent. A territory is near by. I stopped and retrieve back to the tree, I shifted and put on my cloths and slip my flip on.

I walked back at the backyard and walked inside. I walked up the stairs and heard loud laughter in the game room. I stop and turn to the right and walked towards the game room which is right next to the home theater.

I peaked through the cracks and saw Aj, Jace, this guy with dark raven hair and blue eyes, his smell is a wolf, and there's Jax, sitting down with a controller in his hand. Jax eyes snapped on me quickly as his eyes grew dark and his eyes trailed over to my chest. I cleared my throat as he snap his head back. Pervert.

The guys looked and saw me, "hey Nina!", Jace and Aj ran towards me and hug me.

I heard somebody growl, I looked at Jax weirdly and shook my head.
"He Jace and Aj, how's football practice?", I asked.

"Good! So little sis how's your first day of school!", Aj asked punch lightly on my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulder, "Eh, it was alright, I see you have friends over?", I said.

"Huh? Oh yeah that's Wes and you know Jaxon right? The guy that you spill food on today?", Jace said. The guys snickered behind,but Jax just smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "I know, no need to remind me", They chuckled.

"Well, how was your run?", Aj asked as Jax looked at me, and his smirk turn into a frown.

"Run? You went for a run", he asked me, probably knowing I shifted into my wolf and took a run.

I nodded pretending that I didn't know what he's talking about by the meaning of wolf terms 'run'. "Yes, that what Aj just asked,anyways you goons have fun playing your video games, I'm gonna be watching in the theater room", I walked out and walked to the room next door. I grabbed the remote and sat down on the theater chair with leg rester that pops up from the chair. There also cup holders too.

I turn on the big screen and the projected started playing as I scrolled through the movie playlist and decided to watch something scary since I'm up to horror movies.

I played the Purge Anarchy, I watch it a dozen times before in the orphanage cause it's really interesting and sends me shiver down my spine.

I turn down the lights with the second remote that can work the lights switch.
There is a popcorn machine and a slushi maker, but I don't want to take a chance of throwing the popcorn in the air and have either Bethany or Frank to clean up on my mess.

I heard the door knock, I looked and saw Jax. I sighed and turn back to the screen.

"Can I join you?", he asked, with his eyes hoping I say yes.

I looked at him, "sure I guess...", I said quite unsure if I want to be alone in a room with a weirdo.

He walked and sat next to me not saying anything, but I can tell his eyes are on me instead of the screen.

"Is there something that you want to say? Cause I assume by you looking at me, you want to say something?", I said as the movie is starting.

"Umm no..I'm just think you're beautiful, not like the other girls", blush began to crept on my cheek bones but I stopped.

"Umm...thanks I guess...", I began to stare back at the tv.

"Soo...do you want to Umm...go on a date with me this Saturday?", I widen my eyes and I pause the movie, I look at him.
"Look Jax, you seem a very nice guy, but even though my friend told me about you, I'm afraid that there nothing between us. I'm not your type and you're not mine", I turn back and he became quiet. I began to watch the tv.

Why is he so....weird around me?

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