~Chapter 26:Back Home; Moving in as a Luna Pt. 2~

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Hey SugaryTeddies

So I know there two parts, and I tried making into one part but it's sooooo long so I decided to split it into two.

Also new characters are going to be introduce in almost all the chapters ahead, so prepare to see some new people!

And plus! 9K readers and 293 votes! Holy shiz-nits!! You guys are the bomb.com!!


Keep It Sweet!
-SugarTeddyBear ❥

I open the door that lead into the pack house. Once I step in, Jax came and picked me and twirl me around. I squealed and he set me down pressing his lips onto mine.

I smiled and kiss him back, I pulled away smiling at him and he gave me a goofy smile. "I'm so happy you're gonna live here, now I can hold you every day and see your beautiful face", my cheeks redden and I look down, but he lifted up my chin for me to look at his eyes.

"Don't look down, I love to see you're beautiful face and that blush", he peck my cheek and interlock our fingers.

"Do you know how lucky I am to have you?", He smiled and nodded.

I step back away from him and look around the huge pack house. "So should I start packing into your room?", I asked looking at him.

He chuckled, "do you mean our room? You're definitely not sleeping alone into another room, you are mine and plus I can't sleep at night knowing that you are safe and okay", I blushed once again. This is not the Jasamina Rosalina Carton Harvard I know anymore. I don't blush when a boy gives me a nice compliment or whatever they say. I'm a happy girl who have a mate.

He helped me with my suitcase, we walked up the stairs and walked into the room. I turn to face him as he gave me a grin smile.

Someone knocked on the door, I saw one of the guards, I think his name was...Logan.

"Alpha, Luna", He bowed his head in respect.

"Luna Jasamina, we're so happy to have you in this pack"

I nodded, "please just call me Nina, I'm not really new to this 'Luna' thing yet..", I nervously said.

He nodded, "sorry Lu--I mean Nina, but Alpha are you gonna present the Luna to the pack pretty soon? Everybody is dying to see her", I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"But..didn't the pack already saw me? I've been here two times?"

He shook his head and chuckled with a slight grin on his face, "no Nina, you weren't properly introduce to everybody"

I 'ohed', I turn away and grabbed my suitcase, "well, pretty soon you're dismissed Logan", Logan bowed his head towards his Alpha and me. He walked out and Jax walked slowly up to me. He wrap his arms around my waist and leans down and press his lips onto mine.
I thought it was going to be a small peck, so I tried to back up. He growled against my lips and pull me closer towards him. He press his lips hard against mine, it turn into a steam make-out session.
I felt my eyes close loving the Sparks that were igniting inside my stomach mix with butterflies feelings.

I felt his lips being pulled away from mine, and he started to press feathery kisses onto my jaw. My wolf is purring in delight. Feeling his light kisses giving the both of us a pleasure pleasing feeling.

He started kissing downwards into my neck, near my collarbone. He found my sweet spot cause I moaned lightly.

"Jax", I moan out his name, which cause him to growl and pull me closer. His hands move downward to my bum as he picked me up and I jump onto him and wrap my legs around his waist. He walked towards the bathroom that was connected to the room. He set me on the counter and I felt his hands roam underneath my shirt. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it around the bathroom somewhere.

I felt him nibbling my sweet spot and I ran my fingers through his thick luscious hair tugging on the ends, closing my eyes, feeling the pleasure that vibrates through my body.

"J-J-Jax...Mark me. I need you", I softly said under my breath. He growled and soon enough, I felt his canines grazing against my skin.

I felt his canines plunge into my skin, I yelled out in pain while I bite down my lips and feeling numbness coming.
He pulled back kissing the mark. I felt a pleasurable feeling wash over me.

I arch my back forward which press my chest against Jax's, moaning out. Jax growled and gave me a peck on the lips. I felt my eyes droop, and Jax pick me up in bridal style and laid me down into our bed. I heard him changing, since I can't see him change cause my eyes are closed, but I felt the bed dipped and felt arms wrapped around my waist.

I was about to doze off till I heard Jax said, "you're officially mine Jasamina"

------------- (I know I usually put the '*' to change to the next scene, but hey, why not change it up a little?)

I woke up to the sun blaring through my eyes, I covered the sunlight trying to block it out. I sat up and looked and saw Jax side of the bed empty.

He's probably doing Alpha Work.

I remove the blanket and stood up and grabbed a shirt and walk downstairs.
I walk into the kitchen and saw Logan and other guards that I never met before eating in the kitchen. The guards looked up and saw me, they bowed their head in respect and I nodded for them that it's okay to pick up your head.

"Morning Luna Jasamina--", I cut the two of them off.

"Please just Nina, I'm not use to the 'Luna' thing yet, and it may take awhile to get use to it", they nodded and know that they understood me.

"Sorry Nina", I nodded.

"It's alright, morning Logan", he gave me a smile and bowed his head a little.

"Morning Nina", I walked over to the cabinet and found a bowl, I grabbed the cereal in the cabinet next to it. I grabbed the milk and walked over to the counter where they were eating. I poured it into the bowl. I walked over and grabbed a spoon and came back began eating my cereal.

"Nina this is Jeremy and Garret", Logan introduced them to me.

"Nice to meet you", I said.

"It's the pleasure on meeting you Lu--I mean Nina", I chuckled on how they repeated what Logan had said last night.

I continue eating, their eyes began to drift down to my neck and kept staring at it in one spot. Which made me feel uncomfortable so I shift into my chair a little bit.

"Why are you guys staring at my neck like that?", I asked.

"Alpha Jax marked you", Jeremy said.

I furrowed my eye brows, I know he marked me last night since I was the one who told him to, but how do they know?
Garrett saw my confuse face, so he grab his phone and flip the camera and showed me my neck. I looked and saw a mark that has a crescent moon and a star next to it with a black wolf cuddling with a white wolf.

"Woah...", I was left speechless, my mark is beautiful. I felt it with the tip of my fingertips and smiled a bit.

I heard the door closed in the front, I looked and saw Dana coming in. I haven't seen her in awhile, I only talk to Drake.

"Hello Jasamina"

"Hello Dana", I said awkwardly.

"Drake said you forgive us and we will start acting like a family", I sighed and nodded.

She squealed and run up to me and hugged me giving me a tight squeeze.
"Oh! I know you will come back!"

I chuckled and just hug her anyways, I never had a sister before, the only sister that is like me was Shelby.

"We should go mall shopping!", she squealed.

"For what?", I asked.

"Didn't Jax tell you?", she tilt her head to the side a bit.

"Tell me what?"

"He's gonna introduce you as a Luna to the whole pack"

This is where I dropped my spoon snd dropped my jaw.


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