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I arrived at the school a little later then expected due to sleeping in. I hope Kenny wont be mad but if so... Oh well, he will get over it. I have that effect on him. He cant resist me. I walk to my locker expecting to see an anxious awaiting Kenny but to my surprise, I didnt see him at all. None of the squadd is here so I guess I will go to my English class early. I began to walk towards my English class when I hear moaning and grunting. At this school, people are always being inappropriate in all kinds of places but this grunt sounded familiar. Even though Kenny and I havent been on that level of love yet I know what he sounds like because of when I tease him. I decide to look. I open the janitorial closet and there stood a shocked Kenny and smirking hoe. I looked at him in disbelief before shaking my head and walking to my English class. Im heated and sad at the same time. I want to cry but then again I want to beat his ass. He better not even try to come near me anytime soon. We are DONE. Even though I never told y'all this, I have caught Kenny in the act before. I told him if he did it again to never talk to me again. I cant believe he would do this to me... AGAIN, but it's okay I got his ass tommorow. Dont believe me just watch.

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