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post by owl

        WITH THE CHANGING OF LEAVES AND temperature, it was easy to see that September was ending and October was beginning. Petunia Evans was sleeping in her bedroom soundlessly, holding tight of a single envelope in her hands. The letter she had gotten, though it was only a single sentence, meant more than anything to her.

      The previous night, Petunia had received her first letter from her sister, Lily Evans. It's been one month since her twin had left her behind, and although she promised to write, it was lacking greatly.

      Petunia had written one first, as she was so curious as to how a wizard and witching school would work. Petunia asked about her classes, if she was making any friends, was she happy there? She asked everything she could think of. However, once she realized she had no way to send this letter, she was thinking of throwing it away.

But she didn't get the opportunity.

Because as the thought barely crossed her mind, the strangest thing had happened to her. An owl appeared just outside her window — giving her one of its legs to tie it to. Which she ended up doing, reluctantly... After trying to talk to the animal to see if it was magical too.

It didn't respond.

Now, two months later, yesterday evening, Petunia had finally received the letter she was waiting so desperately for. As the same owl she'd seen previously flew to her window, the small girl had yelped in excitement. She opened the window quickly, almost hitting the bird in the process (which she apologized for) and untied the note from it's leg.

Though, once she unrolled the piece of paper in her hands, the girl's smile faltered, seeing only a single line on the discolored parchment.


Things are going great.

Lily Evans.

That was it.

Petunia had stared at the response, wordlessly. Her mind wondered more so than before, and her heart almost felt heavy. But — despite her sister's short response, Petunia had blamed herself for it.

Thinking about how busy she must be at the new school, Petunia's letter must have just added onto her tasks, making the eldest twin more behind. The blonde had felt disappointed in herself and her lack of thought, so she went to write an apology letter for bugging her sister so soon, but stopped herself once she realized she'd be doing the same as before.

So, instead, Petunia had taken the only thing she had received from her sister and fell asleep with it — holding onto it as if it would be blown away in the middle of the night.

            As night turned day, Petunia's alarm clock rung loudly into her room, causing the girl to shift up in surprise. Unlike Lily Evans, Petunia had to do regular schooling like normal people. Not an ounce of magic would be mentioned and not a single spell would be cast. Instead, she'd be doing what everyone else her age would be doing. Math, Science, Reading.

          Isabel and Thomas Evans, her parents, had decided to pull Petunia out of regular school once Lily received her letter. They believed too many questions would be asked, and didn't trust Petunia to not reveal the witch's secret. Plus, they thought it wouldn't sound great to hear that one twin got sent to a nice private school as the other was left behind. So, to all of the teachers and students Lily and Petunia Evans had once known, the two girls had left without a trace.

Lily Evans was fine with this.

At her old school, she hadn't had many friends besides Petunia and the girls and boys she'd hang out with. But now, especially at the new school, she'd met people who were just like her — individuals that were slowly becoming her new best friends. Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes, two girls who were a year above her (as Lily was the only girl her age put into Gryffindor) had formed a tight bond. The three girls quickly became a trio, and hung out everyday.

However, Petunia Evans was indifferent about this, though she never said anything. Unlike her sister, she had many friends in school. She was a happy and sweet girl, as she was welcoming to everyone who surrounded her. Petunia was able to pull people out of their shell, making them the best people they could be — teacher's adored the girl dearly.

But now that she had to leave everything behind and stay locked inside her small home — with no outside communication — Petunia's smile would lessen by the day, and her once positive demeanor would seem more fake than anything. Unlike Lily Evans, Petunia wasn't surrounded by anyone but her two parents.

She was all alone.


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