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how is your day?
need to rant?
go ahead, honestly >>

the spilt apology

THE CONTINUOUS PATTERN OF footsteps sounded in the quiet halls, and Petunia silently walked behind the two — pretending to not notice their arguing.

Lily, almost pleadingly, was speaking to the outraged Remus, who was trying to ignore her and her words. And the paintings, who were hearing this ongoing fight, did not hold back their complaints as they were awoken from it.

Petunia gently apologized to them.

     The common room was coming closer with each turn they made. And as they finally reached it, the door had shot open before Petunia could mumble the password.

     An angry Sirius Black, followed by Peter and James, stormed out — almost pushing past Petunia as they made their way towards Remus.


She was surprised to see this.

And she was even more surprised to see Remus's once angry expression soon turn into realization— causing him to turn away from the door, right into the opposite direction.

The twins stood in confusion.

"Where are you going?" The blonde questioned softly, eyeing the four in suspicion.

But as they all gave their answer, it was obvious they hadn't rehearsed. Everyone said something different. And instead of proceeding further with her interrogation, she decided to let them stay suspicious.

She headed into the common room.

As it was past curfew, the room was blank, not one student in sight besides Lily. And as she was quite tired from the long day, she was quick to bid Petunia goodnight, pausing shortly after she landed on the first stair.

The silence was deafening.

Until it wasn't.

     "I'm really sorry," She started, her eyes still focused on the stairs before her. Petunia could only see her back. "For everything."

"You are?"

      "Honest," She nodded, her hair bouncing against her back, "I really meant what I said in there.." She answered.

      Petunia sent her a questioning gaze, but as she realized Lily wouldn't be able to see it, she went to speak.

But Lily beat her too it.

     "I don't know that spell — I've never learned it," She spoke quickly, almost in a begging-like manner, "I didn't even realize I had my wand in my hand," she further explained, " It was like... for a few seconds I completely went dark and had no control of my body."

      Lily finally turned, and Petunia was surprised to see tears streaming down her face. Her expression was in a petrified state and Petunia couldn't help but only stare, grasping everything that was happening.

      "And when I saw what I did to you," She stepped off the stair, heading quickly towards her sister.

Petunia, on instinct, cowered to her sister, flinching as she was only a foot away.

Lily noticed this.

"The scar on your arm, the blood the was splattered on you... and me." Her words continued breathlessly. "And even before that... I was so so cruel to you, treating you as if you were below me — all because I was here and you were there.." She took another step forward.

Petunia took a step back.

      "I thought that this was a new opportunity for me," She cried out, "That I would finally be the one with friends, the one who got to fit in," she stared directly at Petunia, "And you would be the one who was alone, nowhere to go.."

Petunia only listened,

     "But that was selfish of me," She nodded quickly, her frown continuing, "Because even when I had no one, I had you. And even when you were out with your friends, talking to new people — you always kept me by your side." Lily quavered, "And I didn't do the same."

     "You didn't." Petunia responded easily, not sugarcoating her words any further.

"You hated me."

"I did."

"You hated wizards and witches."

"I feared them."

"What changed?"

     Their words were clicking back and forth, not a single pause in between their questions and answer. And when Lily asked that final question, it was the same exact way.

No pause.

No hesitation.

     "I met people who treated me like anyone else." She easily answered, "And for the ones who had heard of me, leading them to hate me because of your words," She emphasized, "Still accepted me."

     Lily nodded shortly, and to the surprise of Petunia, pulled her into a tight hug.

     Lily's arms were tightly wrapped around the blondes shoulders — slightly moving along the rhythm of her sobs. And Petunia kept her arms at her side — not giving into the hug.

She still hadn't forgiven Lily.

And she knew that.

    The hug lasted for a moment, and then another — but eventually, Lily removed her arms from her sister, taking a small step back. Her face was still red, eyes slightly swollen from the crying she'd done for the past few minutes. And Petunia kept a formed frown on her face, having a hard time keeping eye contact with her sister.

"Goodnight, Petunia."

Lily went upstairs.

    And just as Petunia was finally alone, she let the first tear escape — which followed one and then the other. It soon took the turn of her sobbing, which was muffled by the hand covering her mouth.

She wasn't ready for sleep

    So, taking in the peace and quite, the blonde made her way to the open window — sitting on the small couch beside it.

    Her tears freely falling, her lip quivering in response, Petunia kept her eyes on the brightly glowing full moon.

       Not seeing the four boys running into the distance of the woods.


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